VivaGals –





Viva gals! Pornography may be shunned and looked down upon by many groups and individuals in modern-day society, even those who actually watch it during those lonesome days when their significant other is away on a ‘business trip’ where they’re actually having sex with someone much younger and hotter. But these people who put down pornography don’t even acknowledge it for at least one of its many benefits – porno is always here to aid us in our time of need, whether it be a quick fap to help relieve our stress from our daily work-life or that daily fap that helps keep us from murdering our whole neighborhood because we haven’t had sex in years and are too socially inept to get it without paying for it.
Yes it’s a sad world we live in – everyone wants sex, but not everyone is having it, so what’s the problem? Well I don’t know the answer to that, but if you are in need of sexual satisfaction I do know that these fast, on-demand content websites like ‘’ are here for us whenever we need them, and we should all cherish this as a great time to be alive because nowadays everyone with a decent internet connection (which is over half of the world’s population) can access these websites and fap on to their heart’s contempt. There’s no ads, no bullshit, no sign-ups necessary and no profiles required – all this website wants to do is give you your porn in mere seconds.
A Very Barebones Setup
First things first – as soon as I entered Viva Gals, my first impression of it wasn’t really one worth elaborating on. The website itself runs on a very barebones setup, both from a visual perspective and an interface aspect. The background is a slate gray color, and there are no graphical factors to help guide my eyes or simulate my visual receptors into thinking ‘wow this website looks really good’ – it’s just a presentation of random categories that are all shown with huge thumbnails which are there to suck you in with all their fleshy, HD pornstar glory. And I totally understand why they do this too – see this is your ‘run of the mill’ content-dump porn tube, and videos are the only thing that it essentially has.
The people running this site don’t care about keeping any subscribers, utilizing backlinks or retaining traffic, all they want is for you to do is click on their videos and go to wherever they take you, and they know that everyone who opens a porn site looking to masturbate can easily be seduced by some nice tit and ass-filled thumbnails which contain still-images cut from HD porn scenes filmed by big-budget XXX productions. I’m not really complaining here – the people behind this site have a right to do whatever they want with it, but there’s one thing that they messed up on which I’m sure is something that no one in the history of this site’s visitors has noticed due to their overwhelming horniness that’s blinded their eyes in the heat of the moment: A lot of these thumbnails are just objectively wrong…
Front Page Categories’ Thumbnail Links are all Fucked Up
Let’s say you go on this website, and like me, you’re not willing to fap to it in a matter of seconds and are actually more interested in seeing all the options that it offers as a whole website – you start gazing at all the different category thumbnails on the front page, and it doesn’t take you too long to realize that at least half of them are objectively wrong. For example, the ‘Hairy’ category, which we all know signifies hairy vaginas in XXX content, contains a picture of a nice looking ebony girl instead of a healthy, pube-filled muff.
The ‘Panties’ category contains a thumbnail image depicting a creepy pedophile-looking dude grabbing a girl from behind as she helplessly gasps, the ‘Pantyhose’ category thumbnail simply shows some milf-aged woman sucking someone’s dick from a POV angle, the ‘Anal’ category thumbnail shows a nicely-dressed girl stepping outside of a car with some grey skies and winter woods in the background, and the ‘orgasm’ category thumbnail depicts a girl… crying? I don’t know if crying is the same as experiencing an orgasm, and even if it can be compared the thumbnail doesn’t really do much to convince you that the content inside that particular category contains girls cumming…
In the end this really isn’t a huge issue because I’m sure that most of this site’s visitors understand English, but it’s like the people running this site had three or four things to get right on the front-end side of things, and they managed to mess up one of them.
Its Specialty Is Categories
Since this site doesn’t have much else to offer than videos, there are a lot of categories to help organize all those videos so that it doesn’t actually look like the content-dump of a mess that it is (which is essentially what it is). There are 120 categories in total on the front page, which are all represented by a rather large thumbnail (which like I said is wrong about 20-30% of the time), and if this isn’t enough categories for you, there’s always the full list below them which contains over 200 separate categories that cover pretty much the full spectrum of pornographic genres, themes, kinks and fetishes…
The Categories Can Get Pretty Specific
Like I said, the full spectrum of XXX-themed themes, aesthetics, backdrops, sets and settings, fetishes, visual factors, kinks and genres are covered by these many categories, including nationalities which are represented by the Slovenian, Turkish, Pakistani, Mexican, Greek, African, French, Slovakian and other nationality and/or continental-based categories. There’s also a great deal of bizarre categories here too like ‘Food’, ‘Catfight’, ‘Cameltoe’, ‘Nylon’, ‘BDSM’, ‘Drugged’, ‘Police’, ‘Pissing’ and other themes which can easily find themselves being watched by people who watch way too much porn and require extreme and/or bizarre stuff to get turned on, people who need to see the therapist because of their questionable tendencies, or both.
The Videos Are Hosted on Other Sites
One of the things which this site has in common with thousands of other similar XXX tubes just like it is the fact that all of its videos are hosted on alternate websites. If you’re wondering as to why that is, it’s because all these websites are part of the same network which owns and operates the whole lot of them, and each time you click on a video on this site or any one of the dozens of other ones belonging to its network, you make the person or people who own all of them a small percentage richer – that’s how internet porn works in capitalism, and don’t we all love that it exists?
Content Filters are Limited
The content filters on this website are, just like everything else on this website: limited and barebones. There are only four of them, and all four of them can be seen on virtually every other XXX tube regardless if it’s similar to this one or PornHub itself. They are: Popular (which shows all the most watched/clicked-on video thumbnails on that particular category), Latest (this filter pulls you up a list of all the latest additions), All (any kind of duration) or Long (for those of you who like to fap to longform content, preferably some that has a plot or some kind of story arc for that extra narrative-driven arousal).
For a Trashy Barebones Site, At Least There’s No Ads
In the end, this website really doesn’t have a lot of impressive or impressionable things to show – it’s a fast-loading porntube that’s part of a larger network of similar websites, and its videos all open one any one of those alternate sites. There’s not much to do on here besides check out the categories and click on a video to watch – but hey, at least there’s no ads, and let me tell you that I as a professional porn reviewer can guarantee you that the majority of these kinds of fast-loading, trashy porntubes have a LOT of ads on them, and they usually make you turn off AdBlock in order to use them too. I’d definitely fap here if I was in a rush and needed some fast-loading porn to get me going.

Pros of VivaGals:

  • + Fast-working
  • + Plenty of Categories
  • + Categories have lots of variety and don’t contain overlapping content
  • + No ads whatsoever, don’t need AdBlock to use the site
  • + The front page contains a link to an alternate HD version of the site

Cons of VivaGals:

  • − Very few content filtering options
  • − No picture section
  • − Videos open up on other sites
  • − Front page thumbnail links contain wrong images
  • − Some videos fail to load on the alternate sites