Loly Lips –

Loly Lips

Loly Lips

Loly Lips


Loly Lips is a pretty well-known original porn content creator on PornHub and through her OnlyFans account. She’s a small young woman with some perky titties and a juicy peach for an ass. Her porn is always a mix between the sex that’s soft and vanilla to others that mix in a character she’s come up with for that video. Her photos are wonderfully taken as they capture her naked body outside with nature or inside.
However, her Twitter account is still trying to find its feet after opening in 2018. Loly has nearly 46K followers on her social media account with a small reference to her Pornhub page but more about her OnlyFans service.
Design – A Pornhub Star
Loly’s top banner is in reference to what looks like a video of her on Pornhub. The title is “My Sexy Maid” and then her name. What caught my attention is the little “Life Selector” symbol at the bottom right of the image which is for a type of Pornhub video where the viewer can decide how the video progresses for them with different choices. Might be something worth checking and an excellent little nudge for people to see because it makes them curious.
Loly gives a standard “NSFW” warning for people entering to know they will see some sexy shit here. Her naked body and getting fucked are commonplace here! The first link that Loly provides is to her OnlyFans and it’s the only bit of text in her bio section. In Twitter’s link-specific section, she sends people over to her Pornhub page.
In terms of design, things are kept pretty simple. Loly doesn’t go too crazy and links to other places so people can keep up with her and find some exclusive porn from her.
Content – The same old song
It’s a good thing I have this habit of scrolling through Twitter on a daily basis so scrolling through a profile is no different.
At the beginning of my initial surf through Loly’s account, I already see something I’m never really happy with: the overlinking of another source. Loly has an OnlyFans and I know this right from the top of her account in the bio. It’s good to see, I’m happy about it, but I don’t really need it shoved into my face constantly on my timeline.
Loly posts content that primarily comes paired with a video or an image. I love seeing it but the content is recycled far too much. And it’s not like she’s entirely consistent either for a Twitter account. Tweets are quick, they’re simple. When it comes to porn, something naughty paired with a sex video, GIF, or sexy image is standard among us porn-covered timelines.
Loly has this practice of not really posting every day or even multiple times a day. She also reuses things from days, weeks, or months ago. It just becomes more of the same without ever seeing anything new until there is something new that surprises you.
I’ve had to go pretty far back to see some old practices she once had where Loly would post these amazing naked shots of herself. She’d either be inside a room or she’d take things outside and pose naked. The photos were amazing and felt very natural. But, for whatever reason, she’s discontinued this flow of content.
I know this girl (The Positives)
Loly has a bit of a place in my porn mind because I recognize her from Pornhub. I’m sure that’s probably where a good bit of her followers on Twitter have come from. Her porn is good, there are no worries there for me in that department!
I struggle to find multiple good qualities about her Twitter for me to write here for you to read. If I were to, I’d have to take a string of tweets that are repetitive and talk about that.
And, if I were to do that, I’d tell you that Loly’s short video clips are really nice to see. You know, with Twitter, things are constantly moving. As I said, tweets are quick. These short-form videos are pretty easy to stop, watch, hit the like button, and move on. Nearly all of her tweets come with an OnlyFans link, which is meh, but they’re enjoyable from an NSFW point of view.
However, this is as far as I can take my positive notes for her Twitter.
Is it a lack of content? (The Negatives)
What’s funny is that, as I was thinking could it be a lack of content on Loly’s part, I also thought, “there’s no way.” She has quite a few videos on Pornhub and I can tell her OnlyFans is quite active by how much she promotes what’s going on there.
I have a hard time accepting so much repetitive content on Twitter like this. If I saw one tweet on Friday, I’m right back to see the same damn video clip on Sunday or even Monday. And, guess what, there’s another OnlyFans link right along with it.
These one-tweet-per-day deals, content that is just the same thing are such a fucking dealbreaker for me. It takes the enjoyment out of waiting to see what pops up on my timeline. I can pretty much just guess what I’m going to see is something I just saw a couple of days ago.
It’s porn and she has it! (My Suggestions)
Twitter is a place where content creators and NSFW creators can share and connect with their audience (followers). Loly isn’t really doing that but it looks like there was a thought of doing that at one point.
I have no idea why those really sweet, naughty photos that she’d occasionally post were thrown away. That’s such an interesting piece of porn to continue to include. Sure, they looked like they were shot with a good camera but you can continue it with something more real like just using your phone for a naughty picture during the day. Out of the shower? Take a picture with some nice text and tweet it.
Loly also needs to start varying her tweeted porn. So much of it just repeats itself and it’s not interesting. Do away a little more with all the linking to OnlyFans and start tweeting videos of sex that people can enjoy, photos of her fucking mid-action, and more. There’s a lot she can do that’s not really being done.
In Conclusion
While Loly Lips is known for her Pornhub page and now her OnlyFans content, her Twitter lacks in a bad way. I can appreciate it exists because I know her porn and she does a good job with it. However, from the standpoint of building a good social media account, Loly is simply lacking. too much of her content repeats, there’s an issue with consistency, and old pieces of content that were good are no longer being tweeted to followers.

Pros of Loly Lips:

  • + Loly Lips
  • + Enjoyable porn

Cons of Loly Lips:

  • − Content repeats far too much
  • − Rarely anything new on the timeline
  • − Too many backlinks to OnlyFans
  • − Issues with consistency