The Other Board –

The Other Board

The Other Board

The Other Board


TheOtherBoard! I’m sure most people do not understand the meaning of the quote ‘live life to the fullest because you only live once’. Well, for the few like myself who actually do; we do not let anything come in between us and what we fucking want including sexual satisfaction. Surprisingly, some old folks actually have ample resources, but they are still wanking their way down to their graves. It’s a pity!
A little fun never killed anyone; there are millions of escorts out there ready to get you there for a couple of bucks. Also, gone are the days when one would argue that they wouldn’t know how to reach one because there are escort directory sites such as to bridge the gap. Even better is that users have a chance to review and share their experiences in forums meaning that you will only have your silly self to blame in case you go for the wrong ones. I suggest you take advantage of the forums.
The Other Board has been around for over 18 years now. The website’s speed is fast, and currently, its value is estimated at $3904.17. The owners are anonymous, but the IP address can be traced to the Netherlands. It’s a concern that the site has lots of negative reviews too and considering that it has no rankings whatsoever makes it an even appealing venture.
Site design and navigation
The site’s design is far too simple and at most boring. Couldn’t help but wonder how a white background is supposed to be in any way attractive these folks should probably add a splash of color to brighten it up. As for photos am not complaining, they are just where they should be although rumor in the site has it that those babes picture are fake. Man, you better watch out!
I expected navigation through the site to be quite a hustle, but to my surprise, the sorting features available on the menu are good to go. Also, these folks deserve a pat on their backs for doing an amazing job in directing you on how to do most of the shit.
Contrary to my expectations their listings are bullshit, over 400 escort’s listings for Colorado alone? Seriously, whatever the fuck happens to the rest is none of my business, but it certainly feels like a cheat. There are lots of escort destinations listings according to locations (actually the whole world is featured), but most of the links are empty.
However, as a member, you will be able to create and post listings and create galleries for your personal posts. Also, there is the freedom to under the radar and remove your listings on your own at any time.
All these got me thinking; its either all the members who have created listings are from Colorado, or these folks are just playing tricks on their fucking users.
Listings with auto post
Still, on the member’s personal listings, there are 3 Auto Post plans you can attach to your Listing; To expound them a bit, they include;
Good: Enables you to achieve an active daily posting by helping you create a system for automatic daily posts updates.
Better: Makes it possible for you to keep your listings during the day active by a single listing at your preferred three times during the day.
Best: Assists you to keep your listings active and fresh daily by allowing you to pick a maximum of three listings to be posted at your preferred times of the day.
There is just one main forum namely TOB 411 where people of all sexual orientations diverge to discuss their experiences with various escorts. There are also other sexually related topics discussed, so there is no reason for you to be sulking up alone in your fucked up life. Be part of something, an equally fucked up community; I hear it gives life some meaning.
There are escorts on TheOtherboard that have reviews of their services. However, the reviews all seem very similar and if you asked me I would tell you that they are probably fake or something. All in all, there are profiles, and delightful photos of sexy escorts that I read in forums are mostly not theirs or probably outdated. Too much crap and I wonder who would want to try out services most reviews term as bullshit? Last I checked; nobody wants their hard earned bucks to go down the drain.
As a member, you can request for references from other members or even share your own share references with any TOB member at just a click of a button. Also, you have the mandate to unshare your references easily. In the event that you receive referrals from non-members, you can add them to your secure reference location. This works two ways; with a simple click, you can send a unique link to that individual so she can easily view your TOB profile and reference information.
I must admit that these links are actually excellent because they save you time, as there is no copying and pasting bullshit references into an email or text. To top it up, there is an added layer of security; the link disables itself after 7 days, so your information is not hanging out there. How thoughtful!
Terms of service
What sort of a site threatens its users that it would turn them to legal authorities? I bet only some shitty site would. Take it from me, these suckers are fuckin’ mean, and you can see this from their terms of service.
Let me break it down for you. Agreeing to their terms of service is like signing off your rights as a user. This means that you won’t hold TheOtherboard liable for any issues or damages that may happen from using their dumb site. Whether you get robbed, beaten up, fucked among all the other messed up shit that shitty escorts do, it’s entirely on you, and they will take no responsibility. I bet their lawyer is some twisted fellow.
Also, in the event that you find the site too shitty for your liking and you decide to quit membership; anything you will have written on their website will remain their property. Even worse is that cancelling membership does not mean that you will stop being one because even without consent they will link you to the site indefinitely?
All in all my biggest issue with the site is that they are willing to share your information with law enforcement authorities in the event that you undertake illegal activities. I bet that you will agree with me when I say they should fucking threaten those pimps to reassure users and not try to scare away users. Might be a case of mis-prioritization if you asked me.
Signing up is indeed a piece of cake and what’s even better is that your broke ass will not have to cough a single cent for it. Note that the basic requirement is a valid email address. You can only post Listings in Colorado however and currently requires a $65 monthly fee.
What I like about the site
Most sites without a search engine have a horrible navigation system, but this one is different. I don’t know how they have managed to do so, but their sorting features compensate for it plus they have thoroughly explained how to undertake various tasks within the site. The purpose of the site is also clear. Not only because they have talked about themselves but everything is point blank. From escort reviews, experiences sharing in forums and Colorado escorts listings.
What I hate about the site
First, it awakens your optimism for nothing; there are listings of escorts all over the world, but 80% of their pages are blank. Then the site’s listings are only limited to Colorado. Well, it could have been your plan but why fuckin’ lie? No wonder there are lots of negative reviews on how much of a let-down your site is.
Suggestions that I have for the site
The layout is too boring and plain, needs a color splash perhaps to bring it back to life. Also, the site is a disappointment; pull down the listings that feature escorts around the world if you can’t manage the large scope. Perhaps you should concentrate on Colorado instead and avoid shaming yourselves as big fat liars. Don’t forget to fuckin’ tell everyone too lest you want to remain dumb asses.
Are you in Colorado and seriously considering to use escort services? may as well be your best bet. However, if you are in another part of the world, you may as well look elsewhere because those worldwide escort directories will most probably hit dead ends. Take it from me!

Pros of The Other Board:

  • + Lots of escorts reviews
  • + Simplified reference system
  • + Active forum
  • + Smooth navigation

Cons of The Other Board:

  • − Escorts listings are limited to Colorado
  • − Blank links for most escorts from around the world