Raw Confessions – rawconfessions.com

Raw Confessions

Raw Confessions

Raw Confessions

URL: https://rawconfessions.com

RawConfessions! If you think I only ever review websites that have smut on them, you’re dead wrong. You might be disappointed to see me reviewing Raw Confessions, but I’m playing the long game here. I’ve already covered thousands of high-quality porn sites and branched out into gaming and VR shit, so I figured I should cast a wide net across forums as well, especially if there’s potential for smut down the line. Currently, Raw Confessions is an adult confessions forum. That much should be clear from the get-go. So you’re not supposed to allow your youngsters to go to this site. This place is pretty damn disgusting at times.
It’s supposed to be a dumping ground for filthy confessions that weigh heavy on the soul. Well, it’s either that or people come here to boast about deplorable shit they’ve done. Either way, the confessions are all perfectly anonymous. As you can imagine, the place is rife with disgusting shit that really shouldn’t have been shared with anyone. Then again, it’s no more disgusting than the rest of the content I review, so I’m not judging you for being here. If you’ve got something you really need to get off your chest, then you’ve found the right website for it. Remember that you’ll most likely get a ton of polarizing responses, though, depending on what you post. Morally and ethically, people are very fucking diverse, and they each have their own opinion.
Everyone’s Welcome
At the end of the day, Raw Confessions is a very welcoming place no matter what you’re here to confess. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more diverse place, come to think of it. There’s some kind of magic behind knowing that a website was created not to spread judgment or hate but to give people a place to dump thoughts that they can’t share with their friends or family. Yes, you might get judged if you confess something really inappropriate, but that judgment will be sensible. More importantly, any judgment you receive will be limited solely to the actual thread you originally posted. If you want to, you can choose to ignore it completely.
You don’t have to sign in to the site to post anonymously. You just have to get through a basic captcha. Beyond that point, the thread becomes independent and sort of out of your control, which is worth considering when forming the original post. You won’t be able to edit it after, is what I’m trying to say. So try not to have any typos or whatever. Also, don’t accidentally post before you’ve got the whole damn point across. You can feel free to include a too-long-didn’t-read in case your post is particularly wordy.
Post Whatever You’d Like
There’s also no pressure to post anything that really calls for a response, even though you are free to do so. You could treat this place like Quora if you’d like. Ask random strangers for opinions on things you have on your mind. It is kind of counter-productive, though, as this place doesn’t seem to host a lot of level-headed users. Most of the people on here are incredibly horny for some fucking reason. Either that or they’re perverts. I have nothing against pervy behavior on adult boards. Still, if you’re a woman and you post damn near anything while also noting that you are a woman, you’re going to get unwarranted solicitation up the ass. It’s just human nature, I guess.
One downside to Raw Confessions that I noticed I couldn’t quite get past is that the place seems to be rampant with political extremists in both directions. This isn’t strange since the internet typically brings out the most extreme in people and the most radical people in general. Still, this is a confessions forum. I don’t see why people are so adamant about spreading their political beliefs, especially in wholly counter-productive ways. They just lash out at each other back and forth in the comments like there will be a winner declared at the end or something. It reminds me of boomers on Facebook having fights in the comments sections of random photos. I’ve seen too much of this shit, and I’m a bit sick of it.
Divisive and Controversial
I’m not saying that there shouldn’t be any political discussions on confession sites. I have nothing against people debating whatever the fuck they want to. Plus, it’s all anonymous, which helps bolster people’s confidence and bring out their honest opinions. That can be a good thing. But that’s not the case on Raw Confessions. All of the even marginally political threads are filled to the brim with bidirectional yelling. One person calls another a snowflake; the other shoots back, calling them a fascist. There’s no end to it. All this because someone wanted to ask a marginally political question.
If you’d like to dive face-first into some of the world’s most divisive subjects, check the most disliked section on the site. It actually works similarly to a most controversial section, because in theory, the most disliked topics on the site are also the most controversial. You get what I mean. It’s not like Reddit, where you can check out the most divisive subjects specifically. Either way, you’ll find them just fine. By my count, more than 90% of the most disliked threads on here are political somehow. You can further break down the sorting by 24 hours, seven days, and monthly, but it won’t matter much. Politics will find you under the most disliked section.
Too Depraved for Me
The most liked section is absolutely fucking depraved. For obvious reasons, the most voted upon threads are the ones that in some way have to do with sex. Whether it’s someone’s personal sexy stories or someone inquiring about sex in general, these are the stories that float to the top, and boy, are they raunchy. Of course, some stories are innocent, like people asking for advice in spicing up their marriages or whatever. Most of the stories, however, are out of this fucking world. They describe the kind of shit that I can’t even have described on my website. They’re that fucking depraved.
The comments sections for the raunchiest posts here are very divided between people who are disgusted by what is being described and those who are most likely actively masturbating while leaving their comments. If you think you’ve been around the block and nothing sexual can surprise you, think again. Raw Confessions is here to challenge even the most depraved of human beings. I’m not kidding; some of this shit is absolutely rancid. There are sexual conquests listed on here that even I haven’t gotten around to doing, and I have no regrets.
Extremely Adult Forum
It’s no wonder there’s a listed phone number for a suicide hotline on the bottom of every page, along with instructions on seeking therapy. I think that they’re out there in case people come to Raw Confessions to talk about suicidal tendencies and depression, but honestly, after reading a few of the threads on the site, I feel like I need some therapy to unread everything I just fucking read.
It’s not just that the threads themselves are controversial and disgusting; the responses surprise me even more than the original posts. It’s not rare to find a fucked-up post on a random confession board. But, seeing dozens of people at a time agreeing and even encouraging this kind of fucked up behavior is really surprising me. It kind of feels like there’s an entire society of fucked up people hiding among the ordinary folk, and they apparently gather on Raw Confessions to discuss shit that would get them locked up if they were to bring it up in a typical setting.
Simple Website, Filthy Confessions
All in all, Raw Confessions is a great website with a simple credo and an even simpler design. It’s here so that people have a place where they can confess anything they feel they need to state to other people under cover of anonymity. There’s also the option to make a free account so that you have some sort of identity, like a nickname and a profile picture. This functionality is here so that you can be a regular on the site, in case you intend to regularly reply to posts and sort of becoming a recognizable face.
I would enjoy the site more if it had tags and supported pictures, but I guess that works against the naturally intuitive dumping ground vibe. These confessions are entirely unfiltered. That’s sort of the whole point of the website.

Pros of Raw Confessions:

  • + Tons of regular posts
  • + Free anonymity
  • + Optional free sign-up

Cons of Raw Confessions:

  • − Too much politics