RapidSeedbox – rapidseedbox.com




URL: https://rapidseedbox.com

If you need a Rapid Seedbox, well, there’s a company by that very name selling exactly that. If you’re unsure what I’m even talking about, well, bear with me for a minute. Those of you unfamiliar with the technology may think I’m rambling about a home gardening subscription box or some other bullshit, but remember, you’re reading this on ThePornDude and I’m your host The Porn Dude. If I’m taking the time to take a look and tell you fine folks about it, it’s got to have some masturbatory application.
The two words in the title are arguably the simplest way to describe what RapidSeedbox.com offers, but only if you recognize the terminology. In a nutshell, it’s like renting a computer out there on the cloud with an absurdly fast connection. That’s an oversimplification, but it’s a useful way of understanding what they’re selling. Now, let’s talk about why a porn fan would want to use it. Are you into torrents, by any chance?
Seedbox Basics and the Question of Privacy
If you want some deep, nerdy-ass technical details about Rapid Seedbox, then you’ve come to the wrong place. My wheelhouse is mainly jacking off, talking about jacking off, banging sluts, and making websites on these topics. My goal today is mainly just to spell out the basics of the service, and explain why it might be useful to a dignified pervert like yourself.
The concept of a seedbox sometimes comes up during discussions on VPNS. (If you’re still unfamiliar with Virtual Private Networks, I’ve got a whole list of them written up, ranked and reviewed here at ThePornDude.) While a seedbox ain’t the same as a VPN, they’re both useful for protecting your privacy. RapidSeedbox goes as far as including a built-in VPN along with the usual anonymity of a seedbox.
A VPN encrypts all the transmissions between you and the rest of the internet out there, obscuring your personal data from all the collectors lurking in the ether. Services like Rapid Seedbox take a different approach to protecting your privacy. Instead of sending all your data through the virtual pipeline of a VPN, you can send it through your own little virtual machine on the cloud.
The end result is basically the same: instead of leaving your footprints all over the internet, you’ll be leaving RapidSeedbox’s footprints all over the internet. That means your logs, emails, browsing history and other data stays way the fuck out of nefarious hands. All of their Premium plans come with a dedicated IP, but even the cheaper Lean packages provide way more privacy protection than the standard practice of doing nothing.
Another technology often associated with seedboxes is the VPS, or Virtual Private Server. RapidSeedbox.com actually sells both. The Lean plans are basic seedboxes where you can upload and download files to, while their Premium plans are full-featured VPSs. The latter options offer a hell of a lot more horsepower under the hood, with features like Remote Desktop, increased privacy, and the ability to install apps on your virtual machine.
Who’s Up for Some Porn Torrents?
Are you getting any ideas yet? Most of the Rapid Seedbox perks I’ve mentioned so far are the same reasons you might want to sign up for a VPN. Their cheapest, most basic plan is eight bucks a month, which is about what you’d pay for a VPN. Their cheapest Premium plan, however, will run you nearly twenty bones a month.
So the question is, what makes a seedbox or a VPS worth the extra scratch compared to a VPN? Honestly, a lot you only need a VPN. If you’re just trying to hide your identity or score international prices on porn, there’s no big need to splurge here. It ain’t just a matter of pricing, either. If you only need basic VPN features, you might be complicating things for yourself with a seedbox. I’m not a fan of adding extra steps where they ain’t needed, which is why I sometimes ride the fat cart when I’m shopping at Wal-Mart.
If you’re an avid collector of torrents, pornographic or otherwise, Rapid Seedbox starts to look a little more attractive. Imagine if you could download and share torrents from your own little virtual machine in the cloud. Not only would you be anonymous, but you could potentially seed and download files at speeds way fucking faster than your home connection. Even the priciest consumer packages out there pale in contrast to the bandwidth offered by the big boys.
In case you were wondering, yeah, seedboxes got their name because they’re often used for torrenting. I’m assuming you’re reading this because you already know all about peer-to-peer downloading and apps like uTorrent. If not, check out the PornDude’s list of Porn Torrent Sites as well as my list of Useful Software. It could save you a ton of money, and score you a ton of free porn. It’s win/win, my dudes!
Obviously, you’ll face a little bottleneck when you FTP those dirty movies to your laptop from your seedbox. You’ve still got to use Comcast or whoever your local provider is, after all. Here’s where it might be worth upgrading from the basic Lean seedbox to one of the more inclusive Premium plans.
You can stream media directly from your virtual machine, provided you’ve chosen one of the better packages. Instead of using FTP to download your porno locally, you can just use one of the baked-in streaming apps to watch on your laptop or TV. I was happy to see Plex support rolled in so seamlessly, because that’s usually my go-to solution for jacking off to the big screen.
Plex was a big selling point for me, but the full list includes more than 50 apps you can install with a click or two. From web browsers to file synching apps, streaming video to torrents to VPNs, they’ve got you covered.
I almost forgot to mention it because it seems so damn obvious, but RapidSeedbox also makes it easy to sync files between your seedbox and your local machine. That’s going to be really fucking useful if you’re downloading torrents, but it’d be kind of a ridiculous, grand expense to sign up just for the file synching. This is more like gravy if you ask me: you want it and you expect it on your potatoes, but it ain’t why you came to dinner.
Worth the Splurge or Nah?
RapidSeedbox.com offers a slew of different subscription packages, broken broadly into Lean and Premium plans. The Lean plans are as lean as they sound, but do offer storage, unlimited traffic, 10 Gbps speed, file sync, FTP/SFTPP and VPN. You know, the basics.
The Premium plans provide the basics in bigger numbers, plus the full-featured Virtual Private Servers I mentioned earlier. For my money, these are the “real” subscriptions, because they offer the features I look for in a service like this. Namely, the remote desktop and streaming apps, but the list of included perks is much longer than that.
So what’ll it be? When you first pull up the front page, they highlight their $30 Stream package as the default. I think that’s going to provide the ideal level of firepower for the average internet masturbator with a 4K screen to shake their dick at. If you’re on a slower connection or just using smaller screens, the $18 Fast plan may be adequate.
It wouldn’t hurt to give it a test drive. For one thing, RapidSeedbox.com has a 4.8 rating with Trustpilot, so you don’t have to take your old pal The Porn Dude’s word for it. On top of that general user satisfaction, they also offer a 14-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee. That’s two weeks of risk-free fap testing, so why not?
I know this ain’t the kind of thing I typically review around here, but I think you pervs can see where I’m coming from when I say this could be very useful to horny masturbators around the world. RapidSeedbox.com combines some of the privacy features of a strong VPN with the massive bandwidth capability of a cloud server, which unlocks a fucking ton of possibilities. I think the service will be most useful to torrent users, so make sure to check out my huge list of Porn Torrent Sites here at ThePornDude!

Pros of RapidSeedbox:

  • + Like having your own computer in the cloud
  • + Protect privacy – built-in vpn and other perks
  • + Blazing fast speed
  • + Stream content directly from your seedbox
  • + Shit tons of available apps
  • + File synchronization
  • + 14-Day money-back guarantee

Cons of RapidSeedbox:

  • − Pricier than just a VPN