

For some reason, people thought that it was a good idea to create a search engine solely dedicated to porn videos, and while in theory, you might think: “Oh that sounds interesting!”, it is actually quite unnecessary. I mean, you do know you have Google for that shit, right? You can literally type anything you fucking want in Google, and you will get the results you wanted; it’s not rocket science.
Nevertheless, there are many porn search engine sites created, and one in particular that I will be mentioning is called I know, the name sounds like it has been misspelled by a teen ready to see his first porn online as he searches with a hard-on, but that is actually the sites’ name. Well, for all you illiterate fucks out there, Pron is actually a slang-word for porn, even though it sounds hella misspelled if you ask me.
The first thing you might notice when you visit, besides its idiotically unoriginal name, is that the site’s design could use a lot of work. I mean, I know it is a search engine website, but come on people, that shit looks fucking bad. You cannot miss the search box put on top, and below you have a bunch of videos listed.
But, as you hover over those clips, a thumbnail will pop-up, covering the video beside it, which is some of the worst thumbnail bullshit I’ve seen so far. Have these fuckers ever been to other porn websites, where all you need to do to see the ‘highlights’ of a certain clip is just hover over the thumbnail? Call me sexist, but only a woman or a cunt could be behind something as idiotic as that.
The site you see first, aka, is actually not how the site actually looks like once you start browsing for videos. Not to mention that some of their most interesting features are placed in the top right corner, because why the fuck not? I mean, not like people came here specifically for those features, right?
Well, do not worry, you have me. I will tell you all the necessary shit you need to know. My suggestion would be that you ignore all the clips listed on the home page since they are buggy as hell, and just search for whatever your cock is feeling like watching today. For some reason, the videos listed at the beginning are laggy, while when you search for different clips yourself, most of them work just fine.
For all you special fucks out there, who have a favorite pussy to masturbate to, you can list only pornstars and see their videos. The world is filled with beautiful women who were born to get all their God-given tunnels fucked, so why the hell would you tie yourself to just one wench? Now, if you are not a fucking sissy or a sad lonely chick, and you want to see some real action then continue browsing, and ignore the stupid pornstar page.
May I just mentioned that the first couple of videos I clicked on were actually fucking broken, and I was so close to leaving this shitty place, but in the end, I found plenty of clips that worked. This is why I tell you that you should use Google instead. Now, this site promises a lot of videos from 850+ clip hosting sites, which is more than 80 million clips in general; not bad, I’ll give them that.
However, it also says that they offer most HD porn clips, and I have a lot to say on that, since apparently these idiots do not know what HD porn looks like, and thankfully I am here to tell them. Basically, if her pussy is shown as one fucking pixel, you know that you can’t call that HD, right? Apparently, they did not know, as most of the clips I opened were, surprise-surprise, not fucking HD.
I hope that you guys know the difference between an actual porn site and a site that is just hosting other clips, and women who do not know what the difference is, should just go away and find a real fucking man; if they can. The biggest issue I had with this shitty place is that since these clips are hosted from other sources, they work differently; some of them will be opened on, while others will be played on their original sites; it can get so fucking confusing.
There is not much else I could say about the videos here; you click on them, they sometimes work, you watch, fap, cum, cry (if you are a woman), turn off, and go about your day. There are plenty of categories you will be able to enjoy, so go all out if you ask me. However, also has a special section for videos you can download, live cams and VR pornography.
The ‘Downloads’ section is so fucking straightforward, so if you need me to explain this, you are an idiot. The ‘Live Cams” section has a lot of hotties who will host their shows, and you can watch, tip them, chat and so on; basically, it works like any other webcam site. One of the sections I actually think is worth mentioning is the ‘VR-Porn’, and that should also be self-explanatory, don’t you think?
Honestly, I still do not think that these porn search engines are worth a visit, or well most of them are not, but if you are just that lonely or ‘edgy’ to use other means of searching for porn videos, then by all means, enjoy (yes, I know I misspelled their name, but the unoriginality makes me cringe every time; sue me). There is plenty to see here, and there are plenty of bugs, so my only advice would be to have patience because you will obviously need it.

Pros of

  • + You can contact them and complain about how shitty this site is
  • + Plenty of working videos in different categories
  • + Some HD videos
  • + Pornstars page for sissies
  • + Live Cams and VR-Porn

Cons of

  • − Have you heard about Google
  • − Shitty-ass design
  • − Unoriginal name
  • − Some videos do not even work
  • − Many non-HD clips, despite what they promise