Play Sex Games –

Play Sex Games

Play Sex Games

Play Sex Games


PlaySexGames! We all love playing video games. Wouldn’t it be awesome if there was a site where you could go where it’s nothing but sex games? I know I’d love it if something like that existed and- oops, it already exists at Just when you thought you had to go back to Overwatch and simply use your imagination to make yourself cum, comes to the rescue with its free adult gaming platform. You’ve never seen a gaming porn website that’s this extensive in its selection of porn games.
So many goddamn porn games are available on here
I’m not kidding when I say that either. You can expect almost 600 original porn games that you can play straight from your browser window, and as I’ve already mentioned, it’s completely free. You won’t have to pay a dime in order to play all of these incredibly sexy games. I know I’m a sucker for free shit so I’m on board this porn games train before it even left the station. You can expect to see me playing the top rated games on this site year-round without pause. Well, maybe I’ll make a pause here and there, or once I’ve exhausted all the games that exist on Play Sex Games.
You’re going to need a lot of time on your hands with this many games
That being said, this would be an incredibly hard task seeing as how you have almost 600 games to go through. With a porn game repository that big, you’re going to be wondering how the hell you’re going to manage to play even half of that. Well, maybe you’ll have to quit your job and say goodbye to your family for a few years, but it’ll be well worth it. In fact, I guarantee that you’re going to get hooked from the minute that you set foot (well maybe not a foot, but finger for sure) on
There are some really good titles here, as well as some… lesser games
You’re going to be stunned by some of the beautiful games that they’ve got going here. But, you know how it is. Whenever there are good games, there have to be some shitty ones to ruin the bunch. Just make sure that you pick the top rated games and you won’t have a problem with any of the shitty ones. Honestly, even the shitty ones took time to make so I’d give them a shot too, but they just can’t compare to the featured titles that you’ll find on the home screen or when you sort the games according to their rating.
Find the best games by sorting them according to their rating
That said, you can sort the games not only according to their rating on You can also sort them according to how recently they were uploaded to the website, as well as how many views they’ve got. One annoying thing is that whenever you click on one of these sorting mechanisms, you’re going to make open that in a new tab. This seems extremely nonsensical to me. Why wouldn’t you just open it up in the same tab without having to click on the new tab that’s being opened or waste time on closing the previous tab? It just seems weird that they did this.
Every time you click on a link you’re going to get a new tab
I mean if you’re going to open new content in a new tab, at least try to make a profit off of it by making those tabs be filled with ads or something. This way it just seems like you’re wasting our time and you aren’t even gaining anything out of it. It can be insanely annoying if you’ve gone through let’s say 7 different porn games and you figure out that they’re all still open in their tabs along with all the other pages that you’ve loaded to get to the other games. What the hell is the deal with that?
No navigation bar at the top of the site for easy category access
But okay, I guess that can be a minor gripe, and you’ll get used to closing the previous tab whenever you go to the next page with time. But what I won’t understand and you simply can’t make me understand is why they didn’t include some sort of navigation bar just like other porn websites at the top of the website where you can get some useful navigation links that will take you to the categories and other porn games sites since they’ve already got them linked in the right-hand side panel.
Wouldn’t it make sense to have the categories up top where everyone can see them so that people can choose what sort of porn games they want to play? I guess doesn’t see it that way and you’ll have to scroll down whenever you want to get to the categories section so that you can explore each genre individually. They’ve got quite a few interesting categories on here, but the list seems a bit short. I guess it makes sense for porn games since there isn’t a lot that you can define in a porn game other than what kind of art style it’s got and something similar.
Every porn game genre that you’ve ever dreamed of
And that brings me to the point that there really is a nice variety when it comes to porn games on this site. Many of the games are made by independent studios or artists so they all have their unique style when it comes to presenting their porn art to you. You can choose whatever you like most here. There’s 3D porn games, 2D porn games, Hentai games, Interactive, Monster, Sci-fi etc. You just won’t be able to get enough of these amazing genres and you’ll love exploring everything that has to offer you.
All of the porn games on here are 100% free
One more thing that you should take into consideration with is the fact that they’ve got some of the best porn games studios on here and they’re still completely free. They’re usually run by flash, so don’t expect some triple-A titles on here. You should be happy with the selection of flash games that has to offer, though flash is slowly being phased out if I am to be honest. Nobody likes to wait for their game to load in its entirety before they’re able to play it, I can tell you that much.
Loading times are fast, and the design seems optimized
But that doesn’t have to be an issue for you, especially if you’ve got enough time to play porn games. If you’ve got enough time for that, then you’ve certainly got enough time to wait a couple of seconds as your game loads before you can play it. makes sure that the loading times are fast, and their servers do a pretty good job at providing you with all of the most amazing games as fast as they can. And while their logo doesn’t look too hot, the design seems optimized enough to help with the speed as well as the overall feel of the website.
Overall, I’d definitely recommend to anyone that has enough free time on their hands and is sick and tired of just watching porn videos unveil without any interaction. Here, you can enjoy hundreds of porn game titles and you can browse all of their genres to find the perfect porn game for you. Once you’ve finally found it, you can sit back and relax as you play your favorite porn game and jerk off to some really amazing artwork that’s provided to you by some artist for free. You should definitely check out if you’ve got the chance.

Pros of Play Sex Games:

  • + Hundreds of porn games, mostly flash games, available
  • + Plenty of categories along with 3D and 2D animation
  • + All of the porn games are available to you for absolutely free

Cons of Play Sex Games:

  • − The logo could definitely use a facelift
  • − Every time you click on a link it opens a new tab
  • − No navigation bar for easy category access