Persian Kitty –

Persian Kitty

Persian Kitty

Persian Kitty


PersianKitty! Here’s the thing. Today you have amazing sites that give you all sorts of options when trying to find the perfect porn site for yourself. Not that I’m bragging or anything, but my site is probably the best one and you know it to be true. However, some “link sites” are simply not that useful at all, a pain in the ass if you will, not with their dated design, a confusing layout, and none-value-giving attitude. Today, we’re taking a look at as we try to find a sliver of usefulness that this site can potentially provide its users. Don’t want to sound gloomy from the jump, just setting the cliffhanger the right way. I always wanted to be a drama writer.
Now back to my point from the last paragraph. Why did I slam Persian Kitty in the very beginning? Because that’s what you’d do too when you load the site for the first time. I mean, just looking at it! You have no idea what’s going on here! Where’s the content? What links should I click on? Was this site made in vanilla HTML and nothing else? So many questions and absolutely no answers whatsoever. I like it when my sites are easy to use and understand. I don’t want to waste time trying to find content when I’m all ready and going. Actually, that’s the last thing I want is to wait for my porn. And believe me, you’ll do a lot of waiting here before you find a website that actually works and has decent videos.
Yeah, that’s right. Half of the links don’t even work. There’s no better way to kill a boner than to get an error screen. Seriously, if you’re a link site, then at least try to do the one job you’re doing correctly. But that’s not even the end of it. Some links, although they work, just lead you to sites that are either nothing but ads, or sites that, again, have no content to speak of. This can be really annoying when you think you’ve finally found a site with content, but then clicking on a link on the site just ends up leading you to a different site. It’s like an endless rabbit hole of treachery.
But, I can’t ignore the fact that some of the links truly do work, and the sites, in this case, are really good. This is to be expected though, as that’s the main premise of In fact, most links should behave this way, but for my time spent on this website, this was a rarity. Usually, I was greeted with not so interesting sites that either didn’t have any content or had a lot of unenthusiastic, filler content. Definitely, something I don’t need when I’m looking for a quick wank. And be honest dudes, how many of you are ready to sift through the unorganized mess on
And that’s another thing. The layout on is simply messy to put it lightly. It’s as if you’re looking at a site that was made in the 90s that someone took and slapped a modern ad on its forehead. So much of is in such a disorderly mess, that even the Pentagon couldn’t decipher what the coders were trying to convey. What’s the main content of the site? The links in this box right here? The ad at the top? The list of links down below? Maybe there’s some information in this fine print that’s scattered across the entirety of the website. Or maybe…ah, to hell with this… There are so many sites that do a much better job than this when it comes to concentrating a large number of porn sites in one place.
Not only does the layout look messy, but the design is also not up to par with other sites. The color scheme is laughable, especially with this textured background on the far left. I mean, what is this? A RuneScape forum? I guess they wanted to use this as a margin where there would be no content, but they couldn’t even do that right. There are some thumbnails that protrude onto this section of the site and it makes it look pretty amateurish when you look at it. They really could’ve put more work into this site to make it look presentable. Maybe hire some smarter monkeys to write your code next time., it seems like, has only one saving grace. They have content that’s hosted on their own site and it seems to be consistent. They always feature some nice nude images of some really amazing models. These come out on a weekly basis, in multiple categories, and they are pretty sexy, to say the least. If there’s anything positive to say here, then it would be the content on the site and not the links that the site redirects you to. And, uh hello? I thought that the latter was supposed to be the purpose of the site?
All that being said, I think that you’re much better off simply looking at a different link site for your porn site source. Or better yet, find a site that has good content and stick to it. If you rely on this site to give you content the moment you enter it, then you’re sadly mistaken. It’s going to take you a long while before you find anything worthwhile on, so you better get ready for a ride. But why waste all that time when you can jump straight into the action on other sites. Those are my two cents.

Pros of Persian Kitty:

  • + Links which take you to some really nice sites
  • + Satisfying weekly nude model content on the site

Cons of Persian Kitty:

  • − Links that don’t work or take you to ads
  • − The layout that looks like a complete mess
  • − Old design and lack of organization