Oh Joy Sex Toy – ohjoysextoy.com

Oh Joy Sex Toy

Oh Joy Sex Toy

Oh Joy Sex Toy

URL: https://ohjoysextoy.com

OhJoySexToy! While browsing for online pornography and erotic comics, I came across this very interesting site that I just had to share. The name of the site is quite funny, because it rhymes, and it is called ohjoysextoy.com. I am quite sure the site is not what you fucking expect it to be just by reading the title, but do not worry as I will explain everything.
Now, at first glance, the site looks like it is made for children honestly, but once you dig deeper, you will realize this shit is not at all for children. First of all the fucking name of the site will give this much away, not to mention that the ‘next’ and the ‘back’ buttons are fucking butt plugs of different shapes.
Honestly, while I was browsing this shit, I was not sure where the fuck I was because there is so much info, articles, pictures, comics, stores, and social accounts, that I was quite fucking confused. However, I did find their introduction page, which you can see in the ‘new readers’ section, and I really suggest you check that shit out, otherwise, you will be confused.
You could also just continue reading this review since I am here to explain what’s what. To put it in simple terms (which is quite fucking difficult), this site offers everything about sex, but no pornography if that makes any sense. Basically, you can learn all you want about sex with men, women, trannies, using different toys and all that crap, but there are no videos or other crap.
So, if you were expecting to see some hardcore porn action, I suggest you visit an actual porn website and not this. The first thing I saw when I opened this website was a comic that was illustrated by the chick who owns the site (she and her friend or whoever are the owners), and here she talked about a babe who has two partners and the ups and downs of a relationship like that.
Personally, when I see such comics and stories without actual action, I just fucking skip over them, but there is something about the way these stories are told and illustrated that got me interested. Not to mention, that they basically cover all the important shit, from the usage of condoms, the Sex-Ed, to the first time some chick experienced love or other bullshit.
Basically, you have tons of different subjects to explore, and I am sure you will find a couple of them to be quite addictive. The design overall is not that bad, I would have made a site with a darker layout, but this shit works as it is. In addition, everything is so straightforward, that there is no reason for me to keep explaining anything, but just for the ultra-idiots, I will.
The usual menu on top has all the shit you will need to find the things you want to learn about. The first tab, Archive, will allow you to list all the shit that is posted on this site randomly. I mean, there is nothing I could add about this section, it is fucking straightforward.
Other than that, you can choose to view only Sex Ed articles, where you can learn all about sex, in case you are still a teen, or there are some things you have not yet explored with your better half. Here, I saw articles such as anal preparation, how to masturbate with a penis, gender euphoria, vaginal intercourse, sensate focus, and a lot more crap.
There are so many different articles, and this was only the first section that I mentioned… I can easily say that the next tab, labeled Reviews, was definitely my favorite section of the site because here you had reviews of different toys and all that. I mean, I found plenty of great toys for myself as well as to gift to sluts in need.
If you have a toy you’ve never even tried, and you are a fucking sad woman without a dick in your life, I suggest you read the articles here and find the toy that might be the perfect crap for you. There is quite a lot to choose from so take your time and explore carefully.
Besides the mentioned, you also have a tab dedicated to guest comics, which are basically comics written by other people, and there I also found quite a bunch that were hella interesting. If you are interested where you can buy all this shit, it is so fucking obvious that the tab ‘Stores’ is where you can find the items mentioned here.
One thing that I really loved is the fact that you never know what to expect. A lot of people share their stories here, which means that the variety is endless and the same shit applies to toys. You have vibrators, butt plugs, cock rings, torture toys, vibrators and all kinds of crap… and you even have an explanation for why the toys are good or bad.
Keep in mind that they sell their books, and so far, as much as I’ve seen I think they have 4 volumes, so if you are interested to purchase an actual physical copy instead, make sure to check those books out. In case you do not know what might interest you, just click on the Random button, and you will be given a random article… but why the fuck would you do that? Are you a woman who cannot make up her mind as to what the fuck she came here for?
That is everything I have to say about ohjoysextoy.com because anything else I’d say would be meaningless information. Just take your time, visit the site and explore because there are plenty of great articles with amazing illustrations. In addition, all of the shit here is completely free, so have fun!

Pros of Oh Joy Sex Toy:

  • + A free site about sex!
  • + Plenty of great and educational sex articles
  • + Amazing illustrations
  • + Good sex toy store suggestions and toy reviews

Cons of Oh Joy Sex Toy:

  • − The design could have been darker
  • − Kind of confusing at the beginning