King Of Kinks –

King Of Kinks

King Of Kinks

King Of Kinks


It’s a Nutaku mobile game. You now know everything there is to be said about King of Kinks. Go away.
Gacha Don’t Quit
Nutaku are really pushing the envelope on how many times you can rehash the same game to sell it and keep making money. The count is off the charts, I have no idea how many times they’ve gotten away with it. And no, I don’t have a problem with Nutaku – obviously, they’re on top of every porn gaming list I’ve got for good reason. They work hard. Their smut is outstanding. I like smut. Smut matters in a smut game. I’m just being crotchety because gacha games won the premium porn game war of 2020 and they own the market now. You either play something indie, for free, or you play a gacha. There is no in-between.
Naturally, King of Kinks is a gacha and it’s about as addicting as the rest of them. It’s a very straight forward formula. You play for free, then you get a splash screen for a thousand paid features that you don’t technically need. Rinse and repeat. Oh, and when you hit a wall, you can either fuck off for a while and come back later or pay real money to play further. It’s… kind of a boner killer. It’s a shame, because under the surface of all this gacha bullshit there’s a fun game to be had, both in the gameplay and the awesome sex scenes. There’s a lot of potential here. It all boils down to whether you actually want to play a game in this genre.
Old-School RPG Inspired
You find babes, you talk to babes and most importantly you recruit babes. They fight for you. There are combat encounters a plenty and the girls are your loyal soldiers on the frontline. They’re hot as shit, but on the battlefield, they’re minified and kind of cute – so, not fap worthy. Think Pokémon, but with hot chicks and multiple fighters on the battlefield at once. From what I can tell, the actual choice of girls is largely irrelevant at the start. They’re fast tracking the whole thing in order to get you to the good stuff. They’re trying to reel you in so that you get hooked on this gameplay. Fair enough, I hate bullshit and I appreciate quick starts. The game will lead you through all the basics of combat, like meeting new babes, progressing the story and duking it out against other babes.
You’re building a harem of powerful fantasy babes, each of whom is hotter than the last. They just keep getting better. They all have suckable nipples. I approve of this design choice. The gameplay starts off kind of bland, but gets better as the difficulty ramps up. You eventually get to a point where you really have to think about the selection of girls you’ve got in battle and you’ll want to optimize your build. These are standard RPG mechanics for this type of game and a lot of you nerds love this kind of crap. I can definitely see the appeal. You’re optimizing a harem for business and pleasure. You don’t have to explain to me how that’s hot shit.
There’s a Story
Maybe it’s the developer’s fault for making this story boring and dry or maybe it’s my fault for skipping through all the dialogue in order to get to the pussy. Look, they gave me a “skip the talking” button, was I not supposed to use it? As far as I could figure out this story is repetitive, unoriginal and ultimately kind of pointless. No-one cares about the story in these kinds of games. The indie porn game lovers actually give a damn about story. These kinds of games are played by dudes who want to burn time and money with a perpetual half-chub. If you actually played this game to fap, then you’d leave a few minutes in, after the money shot.
Tons of dudes play these games on the daily. I have it on good authority that they play multiple gacha titles at once, like pussy crop rotation. In theory, it works. In practice, it just helps you waste time more efficiently. I’m impressed that these dudes actually manage to tell the difference between these games. I’d get lost in the sauce pretty quickly. Other than the fact that this game is called King of Kinks, there’s nothing much there to differentiate it from other Nutaku titles. You could make the argument that this game comes with unique sex scenes and babes that you can’t get anywhere else and that’s true, but how many different ways are there to draw two-dimensional hentai breasts?
Nutaku Are Doing Good Work
I’m not flip flopping; I still think that this game is an unnecessarily convoluted gacha mess. I just want to explain for a second why I don’t blame Nutaku for it. First of all, if I understand their business model correctly, they don’t actually make the games, or at the very least not all of them. They’re a platform for games and most of their free online ones are gachas. It’s a format. The reason it’s popular largely has to do with the fact that this is what you perverts want to see. Why you want to see it is beyond me, but Nutaku is here to serve you the gameplay that you are dying to find. It’s not like they’re forcing you to play gachas. You want to play gachas. It’s a free internet and people have the right to play whatever the fuck they feel like playing.
I’m not here to change the system and start a discussion on why gachas are popular. Leave that to someone with more time on their hands. These games are making a killing and Nutaku is arguably the best platform for these kinds of games. King of Kinks is a new addition in a long line of quality gacha games, loaded with pussy and fantastic sex scenes that are sure to get you hard. By all accounts, it’s everything you could ask for.
The Sex Scenes are Dope
I like what I’m seeing. I fapped. It wasn’t hard. The sex scenes don’t hold anything back. It’s proper hardcore hentai at its finest. I didn’t see any freaky shit like tentacles or live eel insertions. It was mostly just babes taking cock in all of their holes, one at a time. They also did that moaning face that’s really popular in hentai. They’re drowning in ecstasy. They really love getting dicked.
You, as the player, are represented by a ghostly silhouette. You have a cock and all, but you’re a white outline. This serves two functions. You get to immerse yourself easier if the character is a blank surrogate and you get to see more of the girls if the dude is transparent. Stylistically, this shit works really well. You get to see everything you came to see and you get to feel like you’re actually forming a bond with these virtual babes. Design wise, this game is a slam dunk.
It’s all Vertical
It’s pretty clear that this game was made with phones in mind. The whole thing is vertical. I’m guessing this is a 9 by 16 ratio. You know, a tilted monitor. It spans the whole screen of your phone. I played it on PC and it works just the same, but as you can imagine, only a third of my screen was used for the game. There’s no real way to blow this bad boy up on your PC unless you literally tilt your monitor sideways. You can do that, by the way. This game would look great on a vertical display if you’re one of those people that has a monitor tilted sideways for reading and shit. I recommend you try that.
In the meantime, King of Kinks is perfect for just about any phone. Like all Nutaku hosted games, it’s perfectly compatible with any phone, provided it was made in this century. It’s a light game and even though it’s fully animated and comes with a ton of features, it loads quickly and runs like a dream. I did have a bit of a preload the first time I started it, but it was all smooth sailing from there. It’s great stuff.
It’s no wonder Nutaku are making such a killing in the free online porn gaming world. They give you everything you ask for and more. This shit’s free so try it out for yourself before you judge. It’s a fun way to spend half an hour of your day. Then, if you love what you saw, come back for countless hours of gacha gameplay.

Pros of King Of Kinks:

  • + Great graphics
  • + Awesome sex scenes
  • + Optimized for phones
  • + Tons of content

Cons of King Of Kinks:

  • − Gacha