MyPornBible –





My Porn Bible! At a time when new porn sites are springing into action left and right, we need a place where all of those websites are kept in a single place. Or rather, a website where we can explore all the different options when it comes to each category of porn websites. We all know about the most popular porn sites out there, but what if I wanted to find out something new, a porn site that I’ve never even heard of. Well, the answer is here in the form of porn index websites. Today we’re looking at the best porn index website in the world,!
Welcome to the poor man’s TPD
Oh, wait, no, we’re not talking about my site. Never mind then, which site are we talking about again? Ah yes,, the poor man’s TPD. I mean I’m not trying to pick on the guys over at My Porn Bible, but let’s be real, my site already exists, so every other porn index site is really not even needed. But hey, this one exists so I guess I should see what it has to offer. Probably not a lot, and definitely not anything that I don’t offer already so we’re safe on that front.
Best Google+ porn, you’ve got to be kidding me
Oh wait, this place does offer something that I don’t. The Most Followed Google+ porn pages… Really dawg? You’re going to hit me with that Google+ bullshit? I don’t think a single person in the entire world ever thought to themselves: “Huh, I guess I’ll go and get my porn content on Google+. Yes, that seems like the best place to do it”. Heck, even Tumblr makes more sense, and Tumblr fucking banned NSFW content! Well, at least they did right now, we still have to see if they’ll stand the test of time.
Man, I remember when all the best indie porn art was on Tumblr. Now all of it is gone. Ah well, I guess it’s back to Newgrounds then. Do you guys remember when that was a thing? Yeah, I member. But times have changed and now we’ve got actual websites and we can enjoy all the porn content that we could ever wish for and we don’t have to rely on social media platforms, and we certainly don’t have to rely on Google+ pages. Weren’t they supposed to shut that shit down anyway?
This place is way too pink for anyone’s taste
Either way, I’m getting sidetracked here. Let’s get back to and why it sucks ass. Alright, I’m sorry, I’m being a bit too direct here. No, but really, can anyone explain to me why this place exists when you’ve already got my porn index haven? I guess this place is good for fans of… I don’t know pink? And Google+? Hey, I’m trying my hardest here to rationalize this cause it just isn’t going in my head right now. I guess I’ll have to dissect this place further and see if it has any redeeming qualities to it.
Alright so as far as the design is concerned, it’s really pink. That’s about all I can say about it. I guess it’s great for those of you that enjoy the color pink. I mean, I’m not trying to stereotype colors here, but we can all safely say that pink is totally gay. Like I don’t think there’s one thing about pink that makes it in any way neutral. So, there you go, is being run by a bunch of incels. If you think that this is a good source for finding out about straight content, then I don’t know what to tell you.
Remember to bookmark this website… or don’t
Also, check out this little subliminal message at the top. I bet you didn’t notice it from the giant cock in their logo. It says to Ctrl+D in order to bookmark this website. Or, you know… don’t. Hah, why would you bookmark this lame ass site? If you really need to bookmark a site, bookmark a real man’s site. Heck, even if you’re a gay dude go ahead and bookmark a real gay man’s dude site, cause we’ve got that too over at TPD. We’ve got special graphics for it and everything. And no, they don’t include a giant cock in our logo like you’ve got it here.
No dark more here folks
You also don’t have the option to go dark mode here. That’s a bummer if you’re not a fan of pink and in fact, your eyes hurt from staring at this god awful color for too long. God help you if you’re viewing this website at night. And let’s be real for a second here, when do you watch your porn anyway? During the day? Yeah, maybe on a Sunday. Usually, night time is meant to be porn time, and I understand that, which is why on my site you can always go on dark mode and browse your favorite sites in peace.
Not that many categories to choose from
But this site doesn’t work on a whole different level too. It just doesn’t have that many index categories as I do. I managed to find every single category that I can muster and then I pretty much doubled them with the gay version of my site. Here, you’ve barely got a few good categories to scrape by, and one of the categories is Google+ even which I don’t even know what the hell is going on there. I know I already talked about this, but what made them think that adding that was a good idea?
Amateurs don’t even know where to properly categorize certain sites
Not only that, but they got some of their categories wrong. Now I’m not gonna say too much as to not help them realize their stupid mistakes, as they’re obviously not professionals when it comes to porn. But let’s just say that a certain website doesn’t really belong in the category that they put it in. And that was just at first glance, I didn’t want to go too deep into what they were doing in some of the bigger categories on
At least it’s free, so there’s that
Is there anything that these guys did that’s right on Well, they did one thing right, and that’s the fact that it’s free, and there aren’t any ads on it. At least that’s something. Imagine the arrogance that you’d need to have in order to put ads on this garbage. But I guess ads are a big deal to them since every single review at the top right of the page has a little not stating whether there are too many ads on that specific porn website or not. I don’t know how they’d even measure that, it seems like a completely subjective thing.
So yeah, when all is said and done, this website is just completely unneeded. The only reason why you’d go there is cause it’s free, but then again, my site is free too so… I’m not suggesting anything I’m just saying you’re speaking with a pro here. And I’ve got way more categories. And I’ve got dark mode. But enough about me. is an okay site for porn indexing and finding out new porn sites if you don’t intend on using the industry leader, also known as The Porn dude (that is moi).

Pros of MyPornBible:

  • + It’s free I guess?

Cons of MyPornBible:

  • − Not enough categories to differentiate between various porn sites
  • − Some porn sites are in the wrong category
  • − It’s pink