Kpop Deepfakes –

Kpop Deepfakes

Kpop Deepfakes

Kpop Deepfakes


Kpop Deepfakes! From the first day that I saw a K-Pop group, I knew this would be the next fucking trend in porn. As it turns out, I was right. The world loves young-looking Korean bitches with perfect bodies. And why wouldn’t they? They’re bred for perfection. Do you know that these girls go through actual camps that train them to be about as close to perfect as they can be? They’re under strict diets, even more strict workout schedules, and they have to remain absolutely pristine at all times. It’s literally their job to be the sexiest women on the planet, 24/7. They don’t even have a choice at this point. So, it’s no wonder everyone, including myself, wants to fuck them.
Enter deepfakes, the other great pornographic invention of recent times. They’re a natural fit. K-Pop idols are not allowed to post unfiltered selfies on their social media, let alone produce sex tapes. So, if you want to see them naked, you’re shit out of luck. I guess you could fap to videos of their performances, but that’s just not good enough. The cock wants what it wants, all right? And my cock wants to see some naked K-Pop celebrities. Personally, I don’t give a shit which Korean babe I’m jerking off to, but I know many people have particular preferences. Some people are such huge fans that they have to jerk off to a specific girl.
If you’re one of those people, you belong on KPopDeepfakes.
Works Well Enough
I’m not going to mansplain deepfakes to you; you know what it is already – someone’s face on someone else’s body. What I do want to get into, though, is how well this shit works for K-Pop idol fap bank factories. Does it really get you hard? Can you immerse yourself enough to believe that this shit is real? Well, I showed some of these videos to my boys and didn’t tell them that they’re fakes. They couldn’t tell the difference. After I pointed it out, though, they saw the proof in the pudding. You can tell they’re deepfakes, if and only if you are looking to check if they’re deepfakes. So, make of that information what you will. It’s decent smut.
I find it sufficient for what they’re trying to do here. The content works. You can jerk off to it. What I don’t like is that they mostly used western bodies for the original videos. You can clearly tell that the pussy isn’t Asian. Trust me; I know pussy. It just doesn’t fit these babes. I’ve seen what they look like on stage, and now I’m seeing them in these videos. The shapes of the bodies don’t fit. They’re nothing like their actual bodies. If you’re such a diehard fan that you have to have your favorite K-Pop idol, then you’ll probably notice that the body doesn’t match hers.
The Expressions Are Weird
I’m not new to deepfakes; I’ve seen this shit before. I’ll say the same thing I said when the damn things first came out. The faces look weird. Even when they’re 100% well-made and indistinguishable from real life, they’re strange as all hell. It feels like the audio is off. You see, the lips move as they should because the motion is inherited from the original video, but not all people move their lips the same way.
So, when you slap a random K-Pop idol’s face on a random pornstar’s head, you get strange, uncanny valley vibes when noises come out of her mouth. I guess you could focus on the parts when the dick is plugging her mouth, so she doesn’t get to make noise, but in that case, you can barely even see the face, so what’s the fucking point? You’d be better off just watching some Korean porn instead. On the flip side, at least the eyes look decent. They’re usually staring at the dude in question, you know, the one plowing them.
The Upside
We can all agree that K-Pop stars have perfect faces, at least, when they’re wearing makeup, which is all the time because they’re contractually obligated. We also know that we can’t see their bodies because they never strip. So, what if we could combine their faces with various body types to create the perfect woman? Well, that is indirectly what you have here on KPopDeepfakes. The source videos for the various clips of one particular girl are different; thus, her body is entirely different. In one video, she’ll be a busty MILF; in another, she’s a nubile young student bitch with perky A-cups. My point is, you can go through all of them and find the perfect body for the same face and then jerk off to that.
The diehard fans will be trying to find the body that most closely resembles the star’s real body, but that’s going to be hard. I haven’t seen any trend here of creators trying to find matching bodies for these babes. Instead, they just went with clips that are easy to work with regarding their deepfake technology. As far as I’m concerned, this is all one big fad that will go away eventually – the deepfakes, not the K-Pop idols. I get the fascination and all, but I think that this shit is just too janky in its current state. You need to keep in mind that I consume a lot of porn daily. Porn is my life. So, fads like these don’t appeal all that much to me. Your life could be a different story. If you’re straight-up looking for K-Pop deepfakes, well, this site would be perfect in every way.
This Site Does a Great Job
My criticisms so far have more to do with deepfakes in general than with KPopDeepfakes in particular, and I apologize for that. It’s just that these complaints apply across the board. As for this site, well, they do a good job. They’re super active, and they have a library of a ton of K-Pop stars for you to enjoy. They easily cover the spread of all the hottest bitches in the industry, with new additions coming in regularly. On top of that, they have tons of videos per bitch, so you’ll never get bored of any one particular girl.
Unfortunately, many of the videos, especially the in-demand ones, have been removed from the site. You can’t stream them anymore. Luckily, you are free to download them any time you want. This seems odd. I mean, I understand the whole download option; it’s a great touch. It costs next to nothing since the files are hosted externally, but why offer the download without the streaming option? It must be some sort of legal SNAFU is in play here. Maybe the agencies behind those stars sent a cease and desist? We may never know. Download the videos to your computer if you want them. They’re straight bangers.
Great Site Design
They went out of their way to make KPopDeepfakes a welcoming place for K-Pop fans. They even have a goddamn scoreboard on the side of the site that lists all the popular K-Pop stars and how many times they’ve been fapped to. At this point, Momo appears to be winning by a landslide. That is a landslide of literal cum. I wonder if she’s ever seen this site and understood just how many seeds have been wasted on her face.
The design of the site is simple and straightforward. Black background, grey borders, white text. It doesn’t get better than this. There’s a list of idols so you can sort through the videos easier, or you can just jump into a list of the latest clips. There’s no wrong way to browse KPopDeepfakes. It appears they also had their deepfake tools available as a service, so you could make your own content and upload it to the site, but that tool has since been removed. I’m not sure why.
Given the nature of this site, I can only expect this content’s going to get shot out of the water by cease and desist letters. However, for now, the site is up and running. It’s also brimming with content. Get the jump on it while it’s a fad and jerk off to this janky shit. If you’re a K-Pop fan, all the better, you get to jerk off to your waifu or whatever the fuck you call these things. Enjoy the future, you nerds.

Pros of Kpop Deepfakes:

  • + Very well designed site
  • + Top-notch deepfakes
  • + Large library of videos

Cons of Kpop Deepfakes:

  • − Nothing much