House Party Game –

House Party Game

House Party Game

House Party Game


How many times have you been at a party where you don’t know anyone? Assuming your lame ass has been invited to a party at all, if you’ve been in this kind of situation, you know how shitty it can be. You don’t know anyone, it’s nothing but small talk, and you’re walking around with a raging boner hoping to fuck some strange. It’s usually a no-win situation – that is, unless you’ve been to one of Eek! Games’ house parties.
If they are anything like the house party in its appropriately named adventure title House Party. Inspired by interactive walking simulators like Gone Home and the Leisure Suit Larry series, House Party tries to bridge both genres and create a humorous adult experience that is different than what is out there. In a sea of Ren’Py visual novels and hentai games that litter the genre, House Party tries to go against the grain to create an experience that players won’t find every day.
Does it work? Yes and no. It’s not perfect, but Eek! Games has obviously put a fuck ton of time into the game. They are also constantly improving and updating the game to this very date. With over five years in development and counting, it’s apparent that they are trying to get it right. When you play their free, available version of the XXX adventure game, it is clear that they have spent years on this game. Available on Steam or Patreon, you have multiple options for playing it, so check it out.
Must download patch to unlock nudity
Let’s get one thing out of the fucking way before getting in the meat of House Party. If you are hoping to see tits and pussy in the stock version of the game, you’re out of fucking luck! You have to actually go to the appropriate patch on the game’s Steam store page. You may have to do some digging to figure out how to apply the patch, because it isn’t going to work for everyone. I noticed there were threads asking for help on how to add the patch to the game, and it involved going into the game’s data files and messing with some shit.
If you take five minutes to read and are not a total fucking dumb ass, you can at least figure out the steps to take in order to add the patch to your version of the game. This is true even if the game was not originally purchased or downloaded from Steam. Thus, if you obtained the game from Patreon or another site altogether, getting the patch from its Steam page will work. In a sense, the Steam page is merely a glorified link to get the patch, which kind of sucks if you don’t want to use Steam altogether.
And really, fuck Valve for getting bent out of shape over games that have tits and asses anyway. They are not as bad as they used to be. But House Party is one of the many adult games that had to release uncensored patches to work around Steam’s censorship. You would think it was operated by a group of Conservative bitches the way they have been sticklers about nudity in Steam releases in the past.
The new guy at a house party
With that caveat out of the way, let’s talk about what House Party is all about. You are invited by your friend Derek to naturally, a house party. You don’t know anyone there, but the party is pretty fucking packed. There are over a dozen people there, ranging from sluts to art nerds and everyone in between. Look, even a wannabe Vin Diesel fucking shows up.
It’s a cast of characters that will make you wonder how the hell any of them get along. For example, Frank is straight-edge, meaning that he doesn’t touch alcohol or other substances. In fact, the thought of not being sober pisses him and another black chick off so much that they will kick your ass if you even touch the liquor cabinet that they are guarding. But you need access to the cabinet; otherwise, you can’t give this easy slut a glass of wine to go along with her whip-its that make her pussy creamy.
As you can see, there are a lot of quests in House Party that build up on top of one another. One party attendee may want something, and although you agree to help them, finishing their quest could involve helping/opposing someone else out before you finish that quest. There is a lot of overlap between all the guests, making the party feel like an actual party. It feels exclusive, as if everyone knows one another somehow.
House Party is not just a game where you go on fetch quests, get laid, rinse, and repeat. On the contrary. I had a lot of fun browsing the house and seeing what kind of mischief presented itself.
What game allows you to walk up to a hot bitch and choose to either talk to her and bore the bitch with small talk or just untie her top and watch her shirt fall off? Eek! Games knows that is what you fucking want to do anyway, so it’s awesome that they actually allow you to make that kind of decision in the game. You can also go ruffling through the house and interact with almost every midsized-to-small item in the game.
While you cannot interact with things like the washing machine or dryer in the laundry room, you can snatch a lot of shit. I was able to steal laxatives, beer, an entire salmon and chicken in the refrigerator, and even one half of a speaker set. Presumably, you can do things with these items later in the game. For example, one of the house guests will tell you that they are on a scavenger hunt for their sorority. This gives you an opening to help the poor bitch that can’t make any friends look for the items, or you can tell her to fuck off because sororities are stupid.
Admittedly, I kept trying to find ways to use the laxatives on everyone’s drinks. I even tried putting it into the chicken, but it was no use. Most items in the game seem to have a purpose; you just have to find out what they are. That makes the game a lot of fun to play, and gives it an extra set of challenges that will keep you playing for at least a few hours.
Looks okay
Although the character models could be tighter and more detailed, I have to say that the game actually looks fairly decent. While the graphics are in no way AAA-caliber, the house is detailed enough where you will have no problem exploring and seeing what unfolds within the house. The perks of House Party is a lot like those of Gone Home. Keeping the game in a tight space has allowed the developers to create a detailed space that is ripe for exploring, learning about the home’s secrets, and unwrapping layer after layer of everyone’s relationships.
If you can stomach playing XXX visual novels, you can put up with the graphics in House Party. You will want to walk around, interact with everyone and everything, and see what there is to discover. To that end, House Party is sometimes more of a fun experiment than it is an actual game, but it works. Because you can play through more than one story and interact with the player’s custom stories, there is a ton of replayability as well!
Needs to have more nudity and sexual interactions
Even though I had a decent time playing through the free version of House Party, that did not change the fact that the game is lax in nudity and sexuality. Sure, you get the hint that there are plenty of hot bitches that will want to fuck the living daylights out of you. Hell, everyone here is fair game! But getting there takes a while. It you are not willing to work toward exploring and getting your hands dirty for a while until your patience is rewarded, you are going to have a bad time in this game.
But really, getting your dick wet and jerking off to what’s happening within the first few minutes of the game isn’t what House Party is all about. It urges you to take exploring the house slowly, see what you can find, and get a taste for the different characters that make this party unique. Take a few hours to get lost in this house party with some of the hottest bitches and biggest douche bags you’ve ever seen, because it’s going to be a party to remember!
House Party is an interesting, interactive first-person adventure game that is like a mixture between Gone Home and the Leisure Suite Larry series. Unfortunately, the lack of nudity in the original game and the difficulty of obtaining the XXX patch means too many people are going to play the R-rated version rather than the X-Rated. You can only play a male for now as well, though that will be changing in future updates. It’s a fun game for a few hours, and Eek! Games has clearly put a lot of time into developing the title. It needs a little more refinement, but it’s on the right track to being one of the better adult games out there.

Pros of House Party Game:

  • + Custom stories adds to the game’s replayability.
  • + Decent graphics, but nothing special.
  • + Choices matter!

Cons of House Party Game:

  • − Adding XXX patch can be annoyingly tedious
  • − Takes a while to see any titties and pussy