Fortnite Porn –

Fortnite Porn

Fortnite Porn

Fortnite Porn


One of the gaming sensations of 2017 (if not the game phenomenon of that year) was Fortnite, primarily because of its excellent gameplay but also probably because of its sexy female characters. I guess the nerds got tired of whacking off to their screen-capped video game footage and decided to take things further by making Fortnite-inspired fap movies. One website which presents such material is Fortnite Porn and has an interesting take on this subgenre.
On Its Face, There Are Loads Of Ravenous Videos
In the old days (circa 2010), you might have seen decent traditionally animated smut of several different comic books, video games, and movie characters. However, the computer-generated pornography back then was absolute shite for the most part. Fortunately, as technology has advanced and the passionate porn junkies became even more organized, the graphic quality of these creations became even better, as can be seen on this site.
The number of mouth-watering media is truly immense with what must be at least hundreds, or maybe thousands of movies, so far. There are uploads in the archive that goes back to June 2018 and at least one new movie a day! I also need to point out that other additions include other gaming franchise characters, which are (usually) just as excellent. A great example is Chun Li.
However, there is one thing I need to point out, and it’s that the plot of the multimedia uploads is incredibly short. And by short, I mean that they are on the range of being a flipping ten to twenty seconds. So I guess there’s a price to be paid for getting high-quality video game porn, albeit the free kind made by amateurs.
However, to supplement this sexy but short smut, there’s a mountain of images featuring all of the same quality. Of course, there are just as many pics and the vids, more so, maybe.
There Are Other Ways To Find Additional Scenes
With the sheer volume of uploads this website has, I was a little disappointed to find that standard location features were not present like a category page or typical search engine. But they did not leave the viewer to click around aimlessly. The bottom page has an astounding number of tags that appear bigger if they are more popular.
Also, you can select from the archive, but it is located way at the bottom of the page, lower than I think some people would think. And finally, there is the Skins selection that allows you to toggle between results that only display specific characters. My thoughts are that they should have a unique page for those options or at least reorganize them further up on the main page.
The Interaction Features Are Fucking Fantastic
When it comes to so many free tubes these days, it seems like they take a half-assed approach to add anything interactive. This website is not exactly groundbreaking regarding how you can leave feedback, but it is better than most locations in cyberspace that fit this sort of free-fap material mold. Besides the typical like-dislike and comment feature, you can also leave reactions based on the Pepe frog meme, which is fantastic with me. You can also share to Telegram with the tap of a button, though other instant social media sharing options don’t seem to be present.
Ach! The Advertisements Are Out Of Control
It sucks to report that this is yet another website that has the ever-pesky problem of having too many goddamn advertisements. The banners are not out of control, but the popups sure as hell are. And I don’t mean that there are a few here and there. I mean to say that spam windows are cropping up whenever you navigate just about anywhere else. It is not so bad that this site is unusable, but it is still an obnoxious problem.
Also, while I do like the comment and response features, this is another website that I think would be best served by adding even more “something else” to do. After all, this is a flipping Fortnite fap site; I am confident that even more people would flock here and hang out, thus justifying the banner ads that have been posted. My suggestions would be to include porn games that are Fortnite-themed or something similar. Perhaps also they could add polls and later on a forum, but they might only be best once they have (or if it already has) a high traffic volume and a decent visitor stay rate.
Again though, I wish they would get rid of the goddamn popup problem.
Getting Going Takes Little Time And No Money
Alright, now that is review is over, let’s get onto how you get an account here and what you can do. Well, it really is quite simple. Just tap the far right button at the top of the screen and go through the usual, that being, pick a username and password, prove you’re not a bot, and confirm everything via email.
You can do all of this free of charge as it should be. Then, after that, you can do what you know you want to, like upload your own Fortnite porn, rate other people’s, and revel in the video game-inspired decadence. I don’t think that everyone will like this site since most of the uploads are so short, but if you’re into this genre of sexual gratifying material, you’ll like this platform. Hell, even if you are not and don’t get all of the references, I think that you’ll still enjoy the media uploads.
Looking at everything on this platform, I think a fair rating would be four hands out of five. Do you agree? If you do or want to spread the love of Fortnite fap mini-movies to everyone, spread this review around the net like Crystal spreads Jules legs in one upload.

Pros of Fortnite Porn:

  • + See highly well-rendered videos of your favorite Fortnite characters
  • + This website also has a fantastic number of pretty porn pictures
  • + The ways to locate fresh fap material is good enough, in my opinion
  • + Registration is free and takes no time, plus you can add your own smut

Cons of Fortnite Porn:

  • − The videos themselves tend to be on the shorter side
  • − Advertisements are incredibly goddamn annoying
  • − I wish there were more ‘meat’ on this particular platform