Bleachbooru –





At first glance, Bleach Booru looks a lot like a search engine for hentai comics, XXX illustrations, and more. The page features a search option front and center on the homepage, akin to Google’s homepage. So users can use the search function to search for whatever keywords pop into their perverted minds. Easy-peasy.
You will also notice that the search queries you use when searching on Bleachbooru actually match the keywords you are searching for. With so many fucking search functions on sites like these not actually working as intended, it goes to show that Bleachbooru aims to make searching for the hot illustrated content as straightforward as possible.
But that’s not the only way that Bleachbooru makes searching for your favorite type of XXX smut easy as fuck. Take a look at all of the drawings, comics, and more that Bleachbooru has on this platform, then get off to the kind of content that will keep you coming back for more!
Over 1460 pages of hentai comics and drawings
One of the many great features of Bleachbooru is just how many pages of content are available for you to explore. So if you want to look at image after image displaying the kind of content you like to get off to all day long, this XXX comic site is exactly where you will find such content. I know you are going to love what you find on this goddamn site.
But wait a moment. I was just talking about how Bleachbooru functions like a search engine from the homepage. That’s true. But that’s not to say that you cannot navigate the website exploring your options. On the contrary, it’s actually one of the incredible features of this site. You see, on Bleachbooru, you can either search for content via keywords (more on all of that later), or you can just browse the site and check everything that’s on offer or a particular genre you are interested in.
To do this, all you have to do is select ‘posts’ on the homepage. Here, you will find the newest submissions to Bleachbooru. By default, all content is sorted by the latest uploads on the homepage. So regardless of the genre or subject matter of the content, if it was recently submitted to Bleachbooru, this is where you will find it.
Consequently, expect to find content that may not particularly interest you. For my case, I found a mixture of transexual and straight porn and content specifically for different fetishes. For example, one image had a weightlifting woman riding a cock, while another was a gangbang of elves. Another shot had a green-haired bitch getting fucked in a sea of jellybeans and ice cream. Of course, there’s no way all these kinds of content will interest you, but you are welcome to explore everything.
In my opinion, this is part of what makes looking around on the homepage so addictive. I mean, I’m not addicted to it because I generally beat off to real fucking women. But for those of you that enjoy jerking off to illustrated content, the randomness and variety you get when blindly browsing from one page to the next will keep you engaged. You might even continue browsing through the pages for long hours just to see what comes up next because you really have no idea what is on the proceeding page, as the submissions that go live on Bleachbooru all the fucking time are so random and unique. So you really never know what you can expect, which I found to be pretty fun.
Even if you are like me and don’t give a shit about illustrated porn (which is unlikely because you’ve been following this article), you have to give it up for just how entertaining it is to look around content on the homepage. But if you hate randomness and want to look at only a few types of XXX comics and images on Bleachbooru, you can easily do that as well. Thanks to the fantastic tags available on Bleachbooru, you won’t have any trouble finding the kind of content that will make you cum!
Browse by tags
To look at a particular type of genre on Bleachbooru, you’ve to the matching tag. All tags available on Bleachbooru are placed on the tags page, accessible by clicking on the ‘tags’ option at the top of the homepage.
The site features a fuck load of tags that are easy to browse. And just like on the homepage, Bleachbooru allows you to search by keyword in this tag section. Type the term you want to search by, then click on the ‘type’ dropdown menu if you prefer the tags that will show up in the results. You have options for either general, artist, copyright, character, or editor. Select one of them to see what’s available. Besides, you can further sort the tags in a few options. For instance, you can choose to sort tags by date, name, or count.
The count indicates the number of times that the tag appears on the site. So, to check out the most popular tags on Bleachbooru, this is the sorting option you want to choose. Looking around at the tags, I noticed that one of the top tags was, unsurprisingly, breasts.
And just as unsurprising is that the tag ‘Nintendo’ is in the top 50 of most used tags on Bleachbooru. Hell, it’s even more popular than the tags’ 3D’ and ‘female!’ That is fucking crazy! So if you love looking at content featuring the Mario brothers fucking a train of goombas, this is where you are going to find it!
Look at totally random comics
If there is one thing that I can say about Bleachbooru, it’s that they know what their audience wants. But what makes me so goddamn sure? Well, because they have a random function on the site – and one that actually works!
The homepage is already pretty damn random. Perhaps it will be random enough for you. But when you are browsing the ‘posts’ section on Bleachbooru, you cannot use any sorting functions. Everything is already sorted by newest, so that’s how you will have to explore the content. This can be a problem if you are constantly visiting Bleachbooru and keep seeing the same images time and again.
For those of you that want a truly random experience, you can achieve that easily. Well, all you have to do is go down to the bottom of the page after clicking on ‘posts’ on the homepage. Then, select ‘random’ to get a genuinely randomized experience. Besides, a random content selection will appear every time you click the button or refresh the page. It’s that fucking easy!
Look at popular content
Perhaps you want to look at all of the popular content available on Bleachbooru. In that case, I would urge you to instead browse content by what is most popular. Just as you clicked on the ‘random’ button earlier to find truly randomized content, select the ‘popular button’ next to it.
The result is a page of the most popular images within the last 24-hours. And if you want to see the most popular content in the last week, month, or year, select the appropriate option at the top of this page. The options allow you to enjoy the absolute most popular content on Bleachbooru based on the timeframe you set.
Another thing you can do is browse content from a particular artist; it’s also easy to achieve that. Well, all you have to do is use the ‘artists’ sorting option. And again, you can sort the order of the artists by either ‘date’ or ‘name.’ This is actually a great way to see the artists that recently submitted content on Bleachbooru.
Select an artist on this page to look at the content they have submitted on Bleachbooru. In most cases, you will also see social links that you can follow to see future updates directly on the platforms they use to distribute content with their fans. It’s a solid way to learn more about the artists you want to follow!
Bleachbooru has an amazing assortment of XXX art that will undoubtedly make you cum, especially if you love hentai art or just smutty illustrations in general. As long as art continues to be submitted on Bleachbooru, there is no reason why the site should not continue to thrive!

Pros of Bleachbooru:

  • + XXX art that is well done
  • + Fuck load of content
  • + Easy to browse the art randomly
  • + Powerful search options

Cons of Bleachbooru:

  • − Nothing