BCH Games – bch.games

BCH Games

BCH Games

BCH Games

URL: https://bch.games

Do you want to get your fucking gamble on but you don’t want to use real money? If you are one of the millions of people around the world that have been sitting on your cryptocurrency for a long fucking time and actually want to use it for something, then I fucking invite you to take a look at BCH.games right away. It is here that you will find opportunities to play casino games that will allow you to gamble with your actual cryptocurrency.
It is an easy fucking way to increase your winnings. Or lose all of your cryptocurrency, forcing you to fucking start over from scratch. That fucking suck! May Lady Luck be with you, and may you win so bigly that you don’t have to work another fucking day in your life, you goddamn bastard. Hand over some of the winnings to me over on ThePornDude why don’t you?!
Win with rakebacks
What the fuck am I talking about here? What is a rakeback? Is it where you get a fucking rake broken across your back because you owe the loan shark down the street so much cabbage? Or is it sexual lingo that involves cumming on some dude’s backside?
It’s none of those things you fucking idiot. But if you are not versed in your online casino lingo, the term ‘rakeback’ probably flies over your fucking head. It’s a term that began to be floated around in 2004, but because online gambling has gotten pushback every step of the fucking way, it’s terminology that has a tendency to fly under the radar.
So let me take my chair, twist it around, and sit down backward as we ‘rap’ about rakebacks. Simply put, a rakeback is a player reward method where the online casino returns part of the ‘rake’ to a winner. It works exactly like jackpots, in that a percentage of every bet accumulates until the next player wins the accrued sum. In this case, every bet accumulates a rake. Eventually, a lucky player will win the sum of the rake, causing players like you to be jealous and mad as fuck about it.
Since we are talking about an online casino here, the rake that players can earn goes further. The rake can come from bets placed by other players, or it can actually come from affiliate partners where a portion of the affiliate earnings actually goes to the player(s) that win a rakeback. To that end, the amount of winnings could be significantly higher since there are more avenues to pay out a rakeback other than a percentage of player bets.
It just goes to show you how much more flexible online casinos truly are than traditional casinos. Expect the same from BCH.games. They offer 10% of the house edge back on every game you play too, so really, you are accruing free money every time you play. The real trick becomes winning more money than you are losing, even when you’re getting free money on the side.
It can mean the difference between placing that awesome bet and winning big, or enticing you to join BCH.games and playing the fuck out of the casino games that are available for big ballers like you to enjoy. Whatever type of player you are and no matter how much crypto you want to bet on, BCH.games gives you a few options for playing and betting on crypto your way.
Only six games to play
Let’s get the biggest problems out of the fucking way right here and fucking now. If you think that you can access a fuck ton of casino games on BCH.games like you do on other online casinos, think again mother fucker. That is because BCH.games only has six games for you to play. That’s right – only fucking six!
Because there are only six games to play, it’s pretty fucking simple to list them all. You can play casino games like Tower, Roulette, Crash, Dice, Mines, and Target. To BCH.games’ credit, every game listing has a description along with a bright and vivid thumbnail to give you some idea about what kind of game you will be playing. Some of the listings have tiny descriptions in the top left corner of the thumbnail too. For example, Roulette and Crash have a PvE tag, which stands for Player vs. Environment. It’s a weird flex since PvE typically describes console and PC games, where you have to battle against the environment of the game.
The games are at least varied, too. Though, you have to admit that the lack of a card game or even a slot type of game of any kind is kind of fucking weird. At least allow players to gamble via a Poker or slot-based game. BCH.games seriously needs to add more games to its library if it hopes to gain not only new players, but also to widen its variety of games that will attract more players more frequently.
It just makes fucking sense. Besides, who in the hell wants to go to an online casino game with only six games? Sure, the fact that you can gamble with cryptocurrency eases some of that pain, since gambling with crypto is a fairly new venture. But even so, there are other online casinos that offer the same easiness to gamble with cryptocurrency while also giving players more than enough games to play. At the very least, BCH.games’ competition allows players to enjoy more than six online casino games.
BCH.games seriously needs to add new games – and fast. I have already stated the types of games that can add to the site, but they should not stop there. There needs to be pages and pages, dozens and dozens, of games that players can gamble on with their cryptocurrency holdings. Until BCH.games adds more games to the site, I expect that many players will grow tired of the six games offered and will move to another online casino that has more variety and allows them to play with their cryptocurrency.
Buy Bitcoin directly on the site
One of the biggest problems that new players can experience when they want to gamble with cryptocurrency is how to acquire the crypto to begin with. When you think about players that want to gamble with cryptocurrency, our minds typically go to the people that are already buying and holding cryptocurrency. It’s assumed that these people want to put their cryptocurrency to good use, roll the dice, pray that Lady Luck is on their side, and hopefully – just hopefully – turn that pile of cryptocurrency into a fat stack of Bitcoins. Oh, a boy can dream!
But what about the players that arrive at BCH.games wanting to gamble first, but do not have a fucking clue about how to purchase and play with cryptocurrency? I have no doubt that there are players out there that are exactly like this, and I assume they have a difficult time figuring out just what in the fuck they are supposed to do on other cryptocurrency online casinos. To BCH.games’ credit, they have made the process of acquiring cryptocurrency extremely fucking easy.
For the player that has never purchase one crypto coin in their life, BCH.games gives them the opportunity to purchase cryptocurrency directly on the site using the payment methods they use every fucking day. BCH.games allows players to purchase Bitcoin using Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay, or Google Pay. No sign of using PayPal or an equivalent payment method as of this review, but hopefully that option will be added sometime down the line.
Purchasing Bitcoin on BCH.games is as simple as fucking buying anything else. Once players have purchased their Bitcoin, they can store it in their wallet which they can then transfer to another wallet. For example, if players want to transfer their Bitcoin purchases/winnings to their Coinbase wallet, BCH.games can make that happen.
Which leads current crypto holders to another question: how easy is it to transfer crypto in your wallets to BCH.games? Very easy! In fact, BCH.games allows users to transfer all kinds of cryptocurrency to their BCH.games’ wallet, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Litecoin, Dogecoin, ApeCoin, Smooth Love Potion, Dai, Sushi, MATIC, and so much more!
BCH.games may be lacking in the number of games that it offers, but it makes buying and transferring cryptocurrency in and out of each player’s wallet easy as fuck. Buy Bitcoin directly on BCH.games. Or transfer your own holdings to put your crypto to good use. How easy!
Fuck holding! Throw down that crypto and bet on it to increase your holdings by playing a few rounds of one of six games on BCH.games! Who knows? You may win the biggest jackpot of your life!
BCH.games is an online casino that allows players to bet on games using their cryptocurrency holdings. Alternatively, players can purchase Bitcoin directly on the site to place their bets. Unfortunately, as of this review, there are only six games to play. BCH.games must add a bigger variety of games – and more games for that matter – in order to attract more players than ever.

Pros of BCH Games:

  • + Rakebacks essentially give players free money
  • + Purchase Bitcoin directly on BCH.games
  • + Easy to import and export cryptocurrencies
  • + Bet using your cryptocurrency holdings

Cons of BCH Games:

  • − Only six games to play as of this review