BabeShows –





Babe Shows! If this is your first time visiting BabeShows, you might be finding yourself a bit surprised and underwhelmed. I know I sure was the first time around. I’ll level with you. No one likes the forum design. It’s outdated, and it’s usually used as an excuse by webmasters who can’t be bothered to design a site from the ground up. But it works for BabeShows. It works really well. This forum is entirely centered on babes that have had live shows in the UK in recent times. In fact, it’s kind of like the unofficial fan club of all babes that do live streaming in the UK at any time. You can use it in combination with actual live streaming sites. It’s not here to replace the live streaming sites; it’s more of a companion piece. It’s like one of those TV guides you get to help you sort through all the shit you can watch on TV before the shit’s even on. There are also some previews to show you what you can expect in advance, featuring shots and stills from previous shows.
That’s the whole shtick behind BabeShows. It’s a companion piece. A forum where dudes from the UK gather to discuss their favorite live stream babes. I know it can be a bit of a hard sell – a website that doesn’t actually host any pornography and instead only discusses it, but look at my site. I don’t host porn whatsoever, and I’m making an absolute killing. People love my shit. But we’re not here to talk about me – we’re here to talk about BabeShows. This forum uses the standardized forum template engine script that I’ve discussed at length over on PornWebMasters. It’s basically a ready-to-go template that gives you an entire website to work with from the get-go. You don’t have to set anything up. You can have users sign up for free and post threads across categories that you have preset. You, in this case, are the owners of the site. So let’s go through the categories quickly and see what we’re dealing with.
These Categories Make My Head Hurt
The main category breakdown is as follows: We’ve got channels, night shows, daytime shows, web shows, webcams, other adult websites, and an other section. If you ask me, it’s a bit of a mixed bag of categories, and it can be quite confusing for newcomers. The day and night cycle should be obvious, considering this is a UK-themed site. Whether in Ireland or East, you are in the same GMT zone, so day and night cycles make sense on these kinds of sites. Typically, you’d see live streaming shows coming in at all hours of the day, but this is a nationalized site, so it’s natural to see the division between day and night.
What I couldn’t initially make sense of were the other categories like web shows and webcams. What’s the fucking difference? They sound entirely identical. Let’s dig into it really quickly and figure it out together. Web shows appear to be a bit more general. I’m seeing sub-categories like live sex Latinas and Real Ecstasy, which are categories of babes available for live streaming goodness on other sites. I followed them through, they have links that lead to the actual babes, and I saw some of these chicks. They aren’t half bad. They’re hot, perfectly fuckable chicks that I wouldn’t mind wagging my dick at. The real problem is that most, if not all, of the categories on this fucking site lead to more babes. They’re all just, well, babes. This entire website is about babes. So why am I complaining? Well, because, obviously, it’s not sorted correctly.
I’m Trying to Make Sense of It
The adult websites section makes sense because it’s a section where you can find long lists of categorized live streaming sites. That much I can understand. The miscellaneous other section is also acceptable because that’s a dumping ground for anything that doesn’t fit the mold. But, the mainstay of the website, the actual categories of babes, don’t have any logical sorting that would in any way welcome me as a newcomer to the site. Let’s say that I want recommendations on hot UK babes of a particular type. Let’s say I want to find big-chested blondes who do anal insertions. How the fuck am I supposed to find the category for that? There doesn’t seem to be one.
Oh sure, I can use the search functionality, but at that rate, I’m diving headfirst into a grab bag of random porn-related posts that I can’t make heads or tails of. It gets even more convoluted once you dive into the actual posts. Try checking out any of the categories on this forum, and you’ll see what I mean. There are all kinds of insider information so convoluted and covered in slang that you couldn’t possibly make heads or tails of it. The users make references to all types of live streaming lingo and specific performers that they name by their monikers, so it’s not like you can even use their posts as a reference to find smut. It’s all just one giant discussion board whose only intended audience is the people already on the fucking site.
Not Beginner Friendly
That’s my biggest gripe with BabeShows. It’s not beginner-friendly. I don’t know how they grew so large when they don’t even have a proper beginner section. Oh, sure, they have several threads reserved for support so that you can ask questions if you get stuck with some of the site’s options, but even there, I didn’t feel like I was surrounded by people who were as lost as I was. Instead, all the beginners were asking pro-level questions about using the site’s advanced features. I had no idea what I was in for, one way or another. I know that this forum is supposed to boil down to being a discussion platform for live UK babe shows, but beyond that, I can’t make heads or tails of it. Maybe I’m just too dumb for their layout. I don’t know. I’ve never had this problem before. Usually, when I join a porn forum, I find exactly what I’m looking for within minutes. However, after half an hour on BabeShows, I still have no idea what the fuck I’m in for.
At the very least, I’ll say that the community is large and welcoming. The site’s design isn’t welcoming, we covered that, but the people very much are. They’re friendly and cordial, and they won’t rub you the wrong way if you act like a newcomer to the site. I see people across all the categories asking all kinds of questions for smut recommendations and site reviews, and they get ample responses. Plus, the average thread gets thousands of reactions at a time, especially when the topic isn’t butt-fuck stupid. The site boasts over 60 thousand registered members, with peak active users at a time being around 1800. They hit this record high almost a decade ago, but the numbers check out just fine. They’re doing a great job at staying active; I just doubt they’re going to grow much beyond what they’ve already got going on. The site is in desperate need of an overhaul for newcomers.
That being said, once I stopped trying to figure out how everything works and just started clicking randomly through all the live streaming-related posts, I found hundreds and thousands of babes that I’d like to choke my chicken to, so that was nice. I guess you can use this place as a referral for countless UK babes that do live streaming. All the comments and discussions are just the icing on the cake. And, who knows, maybe some kind-hearted member of the site would be more than willing to give you a tour if you post in the right place and if you’re nice enough about it.
Personally, I don’t see the appeal of this particular forum over other forums that deliver a similar service, but what seems to be keeping them afloat is the very specific focus on UK babes in particular over live streams in general. They very much care about UK babes and nothing else. I’d wager to bet that most of the users are UK citizens because of it. As a closing point, I’ll note that the site runs on MyBB, so it’s fast as fuck and loads great on just about any device, no matter how old or outdated it might be. So, at the very least, you’ll have a speedy experience on BabeShows.

Pros of BabeShows:

  • + Countless active members
  • + UK oriented
  • + Free to use

Cons of BabeShows:

  • − Confusing categories
  • − Not beginner friendly