Aloha Tube Voyeur –

Aloha Tube Voyeur

Aloha Tube Voyeur

Aloha Tube Voyeur


Do you love watching fake voyeur videos? Do you? Well, you’re in luck. Today I’m going to present you with one of the best places to go to if you’re looking for a huge number of fake voyeur videos in one place. It’s called, and it’s a great porn aggregator site that collects porn videos from around the internet and puts them in one place for everybody to enjoy for free. In its fake voyeur category, it has hundreds of thousands of videos to offer you, so if you think that this is something that you need, well, let’s just say that you’ve got it right here! All in all, it’s a fantastic website to go ahead and check out.
Over 400,000 fake voyeur porn videos
One of the many ways in which manages to intrigue me is with its massive collection of porn videos in the fake voyeur category alone. The entire website sports millions of videos, but we don’t need to look at the whole website to be intrigued by it since it has a lot of content in the voyeur genre. So at the bottom of the page, you can see all the different genres and categories that they have and the amazing numbers that has for all of them. However, we are only interested in the voyeur category, so that’s the one that we will pay the most attention to when we analyze the numbers.
As of this review’s writing, there are well over 400,000 porn videos for you to watch in the fake voyeur section of Aloha Tube. It’s insane, and I don’t think that anyone can possibly watch that much porn content in just one sitting. If you ask me, all of this porn is something that you can use for a very long time and you don’t have to worry about it ever running out. It’s an endless well of content, and it just keeps on giving as new porn videos in the voyeur category get posted every single day. It’s so nice to see the entire genre get filled up with brand-new videos every time that you come back to this website.
All fake voyeur content is completely free
Of course, since we’re talking about a porn aggregator site with Aloha Tube, it should come as no surprise that you can access all the content on it for free. Sure, you might think that this is common sense these days since most of the websites out there that give out porn of this quality are usually free, but it doesn’t have to be the case. Believe it or not, there are many portals out there that will charge you for fake voyeur content, especially exclusive voyeur content, so the fact that gives you all of this stuff for free should tell you all about how much they care about spreading free porn to all men.
So you’ll be able to access all the videos for free, but you should also keep in mind that you will actually be redirected to other sites when you click on a thumbnail. That’s just the nature of free porn aggregator sites like AlohaTube. You can’t get it all. Either you get a lot in quantity, or you get the hosting on the site itself. As for me, I like it when a porn site hosts its content since that means I don’t have to load a million pages to get to the porn I want to watch and I never know what the ad situation is going to be like when I click on a porno, but still you’ll be taken to completely free sites for fake voyeur porn.
You get redirected to other sites
And this is an important point that many people like to talk about whenever they are in contact with a porn aggregator site. Does it make sense for the content to be hosted on the site you are currently on, or should it be hosted somewhere else entirely? The benefits of having all your porn hosted on other sites like AlohaTube does, is that you can usually include a lot more diversity when it comes to content. Not every free porn tube site will have all the voyeur videos that you want to watch. Also, despite this site being called AlohaTube, it’s not actually a porn tube site since that would imply that the users can log in and upload videos to it, which is not the case with a porn aggregator site like this one.
What are the bad sides of a porn aggregator site then? Well, for one, Aloha Tube doesn’t give you the ability to play any of the videos on the platform itself. Instead, you have to go to a different website, which can be good, it can be bad, and it can be quite honestly fucking horrible. Usually, the links redirect you to various porn tube sites across the internet, and some of these can be overloaded with ads. I hate this, and I hate AlohaTube for sending us to websites with so many fucking ads for us to endure! We just want to watch some free voyeur porn for fuck’s sake! Is that too much to ask? I guess it can be.
Ugly design, but loads quickly
The design of AlohaTube is pretty bad. Let’s just get that out of the way immediately. It looks like it was made with nothing but HTML and CSS. For some reason, I find many porn aggregator sites that look like this and I have no idea why they don’t invest a little bit more time into the design of their website. Right now, the thumbnails have an ugly border around them and they are all glued together. Other than that, the colors are fucking horrible, and pretty much everything about the design on this platform screams amateur. Luckily, it functions quite well and it loads its pages rather quickly.
However, when you click on one of the thumbnails that will redirect you to a different website, that is when you realize that there is a lot more waiting time involved for you to watch any of the fake voyeur porn here. That being said, you get new fake voyeur porn videos every 5 minutes. Many new ones get added every single day, so I have to wonder if all of this torture is worth it just to get to one of the biggest repositories of voyeur porn that the internet has to offer. If that’s the case, AlohaTube is the perfect place to go to because of its massive repository of fake voyeur porn videos.

Pros of Aloha Tube Voyeur:

  • + Massive repository of 400,000+ fake voyeur videos
  • + Free fake voyeur porn videos from various websites
  • + Easy to navigate and quickly loads native pages

Cons of Aloha Tube Voyeur:

  • − Slow loading of sites you are redirected to
  • − No fake voyeur porn videos are actually hosted here
  • − The design and aesthetics of the site are terrible