GoneWildTube – reddit.com/r/gonewildtube/




URL: https://reddit.com/r/gonewildtube/

Reddit GoneWildTube, aka r/GoneWildTube! When you think of the best porn that money has to buy what do you think of? Probably some of that high-quality professional studio type shit that you can see on many of the premium porn sites out there. Well, there are many people who actually don’t want to see that kind of content and instead want to see real and amateur content from real and authentic people. It’s not hard to see why there is such a high demand for such content and so there are naturally communities all over the place which specialize in showing off that kind of content, /r/GoneWildTube being one of them. Reddit.com is the perfect place to host such community-driven content after all, I think we’ll all agree with that statement.
Amateur people showing off their goods in video format
So, what is /r/GoneWildTube all about? Well, we all know that Reddit.com has pretty much every kind of community in the world. Heck, there’s even a community for checking whether it’s Friday the 13th every day. And yes, I mean EVERY DAY. It’s pretty hilarious if you ask me. So, if there’s a subreddit for that kind of content, then there must be a subreddit for NSFW content too, right? Well, yes, of course, there is. In fact, there are so many of these that they have their own site which aggregates them. Anyway, one of these NSFW subreddits which is quite popular is /r/GoneWildTube. It’s a place where people from all walks of life come to share amateur content that they’ve made.
However, this sub isn’t the same as the regular Gone Wild subreddit. That’s because /r/GoneWildTube has to do with strictly video content. Nothing but video content is accepted here, so don’t expect to see any pictures or other kind of crap. The community on /r/GoneWildTube even helps you out when it comes to hosting this kind of content and there’s a well-known list of popular hosting options for videos which you can use when sharing your video to this subreddit. Of course, there are also sites which the community here has banned in order to protect the general idea of this subreddit. You see, the point of this place isn’t for professionals to come and advertise their bullshit. It’s for people like you and me who want to get freaky on camera for the thrill of it!
No sales, no ads, just amazing free amateur content
And that’s why the subreddit also doesn’t allow content which promotes the sale of videos. No watermarks allowed, no ads, no profiles where you can buy amateur videos. The only thing you’ll find on here is a steady stream of amateur content that people upload just for the thrill of it. I guess karma points also play a big role as well. Some people are really into these internet points and so they will do anything in order to get them. I don’t think there’s anything in it for you when you have more of these points, but one thing that I will definitely mention is that you will get a reputation on this subreddit in no time if you’re a verified individual.
People on this subreddit who actually upload genuine content of themselves usually become well-known by the community and their posts get shot up really fast. The hotter you are, the bigger the chances of success, so definitely hit the gym before you start posting content on here. Of course, you don’t have to do these things alone and solo. You can get your partner in on the action and the two of you can go ahead and upload some of the most amazing intercourse content that the internet has ever seen. This includes blowjobs, sex, anal, and whatever else you can think of. As long as it’s amateur and free, the community will absolutely love it I can tell you that much.
Hundreds of thousands of people have subscribed already
And it’s not a small subreddit either! With almost 300k members or subscribers as of the writing of this review, the site is set to become even bigger as time goes on. It’s really amazing how huge a community can become based off of just this one premise. You upload amateur content and suddenly you have a huge community several hundred thousand strong and they’re all interacting with each other and having a lot of fun together. All in all, it’s a great thing to consider, and there are plenty of things that you can do with a community of this size. Naturally, the bigger the community, the more content there is to look at as well. And good content too!
Not good as in high-quality. But good as in it actually looks like the people who upload this shit definitely take their time and make sure that everything here looks absolutely amazing. The angles, the positions, the way that their body lights up when they perform for you in these videos. Everything just seems so unreal and it definitely doesn’t seem like something that you should be getting for free. In fact, when you go to the Hot or Top sections of this subreddit you’re going to see some of the best posts ever on this subreddit and you’ll definitely wonder why these people don’t monetize what they’re doing because they’d be making loads of cash doing this. But hey, to each their own, and it seems that the community is much more important to some people than money.
The subreddit isn’t customized at all, unfortunately
One thing that I don’t like about /r/GoneWildTube is just how plain it looks. There are no customizations on here to look at. It even seems that the subreddit here went with the most generic color that they could’ve chosen for their community. Not to mention the fact that there is no picture for the subreddit either. Thought NSFW subs are notoriously known for not having any picture shown as their avatar. I guess it’s just hard to represent what some kind of NSFW subreddit is all about without posting an offensive picture. But I guess it’s something that they have to figure out. Maybe Reddit.com doesn’t allow these subs to have an avatar? Who knows?
But the design becomes a lot better when you turn on dark mode. This just makes the whole place get a much darker and grittier feel which is exactly what you’re hoping to get out of a NSFW community. You’re going to want to switch to dark mode pretty much immediately when you get to /r/GoneWildTube and it’s not something that you should put off for a later date. But at the end of the day, can we really be mad at the design on this website? When you think about it, this place is giving you so much amazing free content and we should be thanking it instead of judging a book by its cover.
Plenty of sections with varying content quality
At the end of the day, at least the subreddit has plenty of interesting features that you can use to check out all of this amazing amateur content. Sure, the features come in by default and you’ll be able to use all of them on any subreddit, but it’s important to know that you have them. /r/GoneWildTube allows you to sort through the content according to different sections of the community. These are the New, Trending, Rising, Hot, and Top sections. As you’d imagine, the New section has the newest by the shittiest content. This section is for people who are looking to help the community by filtering out and downvoting all of the garbage content out.
Trending is for people who don’t want to deal with absolute bullshit, but they still want to help, while Rising is for people who have gone through all the Hot content and want more. Hot is where all the good stuff is, and Top is sort of the hall of fame or the crown of the community, with the top-rated posts being in this section right here. Anyway, it’s on you to decide which of these sections you’ll want to check out, and with so much new content being uploaded all the time to /r/GoneWildTube it’s not like you’re going to run out of videos to watch anytime soon!

Pros of GoneWildTube:

  • + Amazing and genuine amateur video content
  • + Community-driven with over 290k members
  • + All videos are free and they’re of real people

Cons of GoneWildTube:

  • − Doesn’t allow some popular hosting platforms
  • − The amateur content is usually low-quality
  • − There is nothing customized about the design