Yiff Party – yiff.party

Yiff Party

Yiff Party

Yiff Party

URL: https://yiff.party

Yiff.party, aka YiffParty was a porn site that was first created as an experiment. It was a place where people could post any kind of furry content so that it would be available for free to anyone who checked the website out. Now, the site has been inactive since late 2024. Why? Well, the reason for that is that it was taken down because of copyright infringement. I could’ve seen that one coming from a mile away, so it really comes as no surprise that the site was eventually taken down. It would take content from around the internet that had anything to do with furry porn and provide it for free. It definitely had a mixed response from people who saw it either as a great way to avoid paywalls, or as a way to steal content from creators.
Uploads picked up steam in 2018
Whichever camp you belong to, it doesn’t matter, Yiff.party is no more and so there is really nothing you can do with the site anymore. However, I’ll take a look at it and tell you what I think about it since there is still an archived version of the site out there. Also, I’ll be telling you about what the owner of the website thought about this place and why he allowed it to stay up for so long. See, Yiff.party was first created in 2015, so it existed for over half a decade before any kind of meaningful action was taken against it and the site was eventually brought down. Now it’s impossible to access the content that it once stored.
You can only check out the site itself, but this obviously doesn’t mean anything to people for the most part. While the site has existed since 2015, it wasn’t until around 2018 that it really started picking up the pace and getting many posts from around the internet from many people who just wanted to enjoy some great furry porn content for free. Of course, others would say that it’s not nice that they were taking furry porn from creators on Patreon and posting it here for free, but at the same time, it really allowed people who couldn’t spare the money to enjoy the furry porn too without having to pay for it.
Completely free high-quality furry porn art
Now, what do I think about all of this? Well, I have to say that you’re always going to have platforms that will show off your work for free. The fact of the matter is that if people are looking to find your furry porn art for free, they will not pay for it no matter what. If a person is willing to go around the internet scouring for the best source for the free porn you post on your Patreon account, then you can rest assured that that person will not pay or pledge to your account no matter what. That’s just the way things work and I feel that you can expect that to be the status quo for a long time ahead.
If people want to pay for your furry porn art, then they will do that. But if people don’t want to do that, then they will find a way to provide that same porn to people for free. Some people are just too broke in order to afford any kind of porn, and so instead of relying on their imagination, they go to porn tube sites and so on. Yiff.party was just another one of those sites that specialized in yiff porn or furry porn as it is also known as. On Yiff.party, you could get all kinds of furry porn art for free and it was an amazing revelation for people who had no money but still wanted to enjoy themselves with this kind of porn.
Uploads from creators on Fantia and Patreon
Many people saw Yiff.party as a threat, and ultimately this is what has decided its faith. Me, I didn’t see it as a threat and I just saw it as a good way for some people to access some of that juicy furry porn art. I mean, most furries are degenerates anyway, so when I look at this website, I just see a bunch of animals trying to get something for free. It’s not the kind of porn I like, but I can understand their pain and frustration with everything being held behind a paywall these days. It’s like more and more places just don’t want to provide users with free furry porn anymore, and yet Yiff.party tried to do just that.
Yiff, the website, was just an experiment at first, as I’ve already said. This isn’t something that I came up with, but it’s something that the creator of the site said himself. He also said that he didn’t think that anything he was doing was wrong and he couldn’t earn any money from the site. It was just a thing he liked to do in his spare time after he was done with work. He did receive some donations, but this was just to cover the costs of keeping the site up. All in all, it just seemed like a harmless little project! People would upload furry porn from Fantia & Patreon to the website to be available for free.
Thriving community that only got more active
It was also a pretty modern site with some fairly simple, yet effective animations that would happen on the website and give it a really nice feel. At the same time, it didn’t really look all that great as in the actual beauty of the website. It was pretty dull, and it didn’t really convey any kind of emotion or anything. It was plain and boring, so I can’t say that the guy who made it spent a lot of time doing a good UI design for it. Anyway, after all of that, you can see how it can be seen as a grey area website and why it was eventually taken down. So now, after all this time, all I can really do is review it as it once was.
As far as how much content you could expect on it, in the first few years, there weren’t that many uploads. This is what kept Yiff.party under the radar and allowed it to function freely. However, when more and more users got a whiff of this content, which they could get for free on this site, they started to request all kinds of Patreon furry accounts to be uploaded to the website. This really spiraled out of control where people would not only ask for content from new Patreon artist, but also updates from previous ones after a few new art pieces have been released on their Patreon account. It was insane.
Meant for people who couldn’t afford yiff
At the end of the day, you can be for it, or you can be against it, but there’s no way that I will say that Yiff.party didn’t have its place in the porn community. If people have the money to pay for art, then they do, and if they don’t, they go to sites like that one for their beloved porn. I know how fanatical I am about porn, and I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t afford it. Luckily I have all the money in the world and a subscription to pretty much every porn source known to man, so this isn’t a problem for me. But think of all those poor souls that have to endure the free crap that gets served on all those fucking sites!
All in all, I can’t really recommend or not recommend this website. It’s been taken down, so you can’t really access it. It didn’t have a great design, but the content that it would gather and present to you were A-grade quality and there aren’t many sites that could say the same thing today while keeping the content free. For people who are into the furry porn sphere, this was like a place that they could go to whenever they felt freaky. They could just jerk off to all of their favorite artists without having to pledge a million different subscriptions to all these artists and pay a lot of money for it.

Pros of Yiff Party:

  • + Amazing quality of furry porn art
  • + All the content was completely free
  • + Harbored a pretty tight-knit community

Cons of Yiff Party:

  • − The site has been down since late 2021
  • − Users would take content from creators
  • − Didn’t have the most amazing UI design