Softcore69 –





Softcore 69! Today we’re visiting a graveyard. A dead site called has been lost to the endless tidal wave of porn tube site influence. It pains me to say that this is how things have been going recently, but oh well. What can you do? I guess I’ll still tell you a little bit about Softcore69 as in what it was like as a website and what it had to offer you back when it was still active. But before all that, let me just say that it wasn’t actually that long before the last time Softcore 69 was seen online. Just in early October of 2024, there is a snapshot of the website running. So it’s not completely down for the count, it seems.
Another porn site in a full landscape
Then again, it doesn’t seem to be showing any signs of life right now, and that’s a real shame if you ask me. For the most part, I feel like more porn sites is only a good thing. The more websites there are that give you free porn online, the more competition there is. And the more competition there is, the bigger the chance of sites trying to outmatch each other with fantastic content. Softcore 69 was the sort of website that just added another porn site to the mix, and that’s a pretty important fact if you ask me. Then again, it’s not like it’s the end of the world now that you don’t have it in the roster of porn sites.
When a porn site is not active, and it seems like it’s down for the count, I always like to ask the question of: “what did this site really add to the world of porn?” With, I don’t really see like it shook the landscape in any way. It actually just added to the same old equation we’re used to. It’s the same old porn formula that got recycled day in and day out, and it’s not the first time we saw that in the porn industry. But so many sites are doing a much better job at providing you with porn that it was just inevitable to see Softcore69 going down no matter how much you like this site and if you used it as well.
Absolutely 100% free porn
If you ask me, one of the things was best at was providing you with free porn to watch, and not just any porn but vintage and older professional porn videos. Now, that’s not something that you see every day, but at the same time, I feel that Softcore69 got overshadowed by all the big dogs in the industry, which serve up all kinds of porn for free. It just couldn’t keep up with the rates at which these other sites were releasing content, and so it stands to reason that it would lose out to them in the nick of time when it was either do or die for most of the porn sites out there. It just is like that at times.
Still, you can’t deny that used to provide people with so much free porn. I mean, no matter if you find a different site out there, it’s always nice to have a backup plan in case things go awry. Softcore 69 was that backup plan if you ask me, and it’s sad to see it go. Still, with free porn, you just can’t go wrong. It would always be the case that Softcore69 would have something new to show you and let you jerk off to it for free. You wouldn’t have to pay for anything or even think about any kinds of hidden fees. But it did also have the side of it that was full of ads, so it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.
Insane amounts of porn content
Other than the fact that it was free, Softcore69 also had A LOT of porn to offer. I mean, you could scroll for hours upon hours on end and never reach a conclusion to this site. There would always be more to check out and enjoy, and it would only be a matter of time before you really got tired of the site. I mean, as with any porn tube site that gives you free porn, it’s kinda inevitable that you get bored of it at some point, so it’s nice to know that had other things to offer you to keep your around and watching all the porn that it has to offer. It wasn’t much, but it’s still pretty amazing if you ask me.
For the most part, what Softcore 69 really had going for it is all the vintage porn that it would serve you up with for free. You would get so much old porn that would keep things fresh in a nostalgic sort of way. You would remember the times when you used to go to Blockbuster and rent an XXX porn film before the internet and everything else that came along with it gave it to you for free. Before then, it used to be that you had to do everything by yourself and you couldn’t really get away with many things as a young kid. That’s why it was so nice to finally get all that content you craved back in the day.
Not quite the best quality videos
So yeah, quantity-wise, Softcore69 has a lot of things going for it, but it’s the quality that really knocks this site down a few pegs and it is tough for it to get itself back up from that kind of position. If you ask me, quality is crucial when you have so many sites these days that have millions of videos to offer you. Just giving a lot of shit doesn’t really excite people all that much anymore. You have to give them something good and something fresh. While I don’t think that Softcore 69 managed to do that, I feel like it offered a different kind of quality to its visitors with vintage porn.
While most people won’t see vintage and amateur porn as high-quality material, the very fact that it’s a porn site with a lot of content that is hard to get anywhere else should be reason enough for you to at least give it a shot. And once you give it that shot, you might be disappointed because of the fact that it just doesn’t have the quality porn that you were hoping for. And not to mention that the site is as dead as a roadkill deer, which only adds to the list of reasons why you should not check this place out. In the end, it kind of evens out, and you can choose to still try to get something out of it through web archives.
Website design looks like garbage
Now, all that being said, the design of this site is abysmal. And when I say abysmal, I mean, I wouldn’t want to use a site that looks like this if you fucking paid me real money to use it. For the most part, I just do not like that it looks so fucking dated. If they just spiced it up with some modern graphics, then I think that I could actually see myself using it. But as things stand right now, I feel like it has way more cons than it has pros, and this really hurts it in the long run. I feel like you could get a lot more out of this site if they just invested more money into the design, but then again, I could say that for the hosting too.
I mean, they didn’t even have enough money to fucking host the damn thing, so they sold it out and now the domain redirects to another porn site! I mean, that’s pretty much as low as you can go in my books. The website used to look pretty crappy too, so it’s not like it was a good watch either way. The dark color scheme was pretty nice, but everything else was just straight garbage. The text looked like it wasn’t even styled. It just looked like it was default HTML shit.

Pros of Softcore69:

  • + Countless porn videos to watch and enjoy
  • + Everything on the website’s completely free
  • + Presents plenty of amateur and vintage porn

Cons of Softcore69:

  • − This porn website is absolutely fucking dead
  • − Now it redirects to another porn website
  • − Used to look like garbage with low-quality videos