18Comix.org – 18comix.org




URL: https://18comix.org

You want to know a little secret, mother fucker? I know what you are horny for. I see what you have been looking at on ThePornDude when you think no one is watching you.
And I know that you have been horny for hentai and XXX comics. It’s not really a secret. You’re here reading my review of 18Comix, wanting to know if it’s right for you.
Is it worthy of a visit? Sure. If you don’t mind clicking through to get to the good stuff (more on that later). First, let’s take a look at how simple it is to hop right in and find what you are craving.
View the most popular tags
If you want to dive the fuck right into all of the action on 18Comix, all you have to do is stay at the top of the homepage. There, you will find that you can see some of the most popular fucking tags that are on the comics site. Namely, you can check out precisely what types of tags everyone is currently getting off to.
Accessing this is fucking simple. Select the ‘popular tags’ option from the drop-down menu. There, you will find the top tags that horny fuckers like you are currently jerking off to on 18Comix. Of course, if you want to see all of the tags that are available to you on 18Comix, this is easy to do as well.
To access these tags, all you have to do is look below the ‘popular tags’ section and select ‘show all tags.’ Select ‘show all tags’ not only shows you 18Comix’s most popular tags, but also, all of the tags in general. It could not be any fucking easier to find the tags that you are horny for on 18Comix, so check it the fuck out and see what types of tags are available to you on this fucking XXX comics site!
And if you want to see a variety of categories that you can explore on 18Comix, this is fucking easy to do as well. All you have to do is go to the top of the homepage, and then select the ‘categories’ section at the top of the homepage. Much like the tags section, you will see all of the various genres, kinks, and fetishes that you can browse by on 18Comix. No matter if you are horny for hentai, Western style of XXX comics, or something in between, 18Comix has it all for you right here!
An insane number of pop-ups
If that sounds awesome to you, full stop: you’ll have to crawl to access all of this hot content. You think I’m fucking with you? Allow my genius ass to explain.
You see, when you first land on 18Comix, it looks pretty goddamn fantastic. You have access to categories and different types of comics that you can select at the top of the homepage (more on these different types of comics later). It looks like a standard XXX comic/hentai manga site. But when you go to click on something, you’re going to discover that looks can be deceiving. That’s because when you tap or click anywhere on the site, your browser will be redirected to another site.
Usually, it’s redirected to a cam site. But your mileage may vary. You may be redirected to another porn site of some sort.
The takeaway though is that when you tap or click anywhere on the site, the page redirects. I had to open where I wanted to visit in a new tab, then close that tab as soon as the tab was redirected. Often, I accidentally clicked on the homepage on the main tab that I was using to open other tabs, and the page would redirect and I’d have to close and start all over again.
It’s a tale that happens on a lot of porn sites. But I’m not shitting you mother fuckers: 18Comix takes the brigade of pop-ups to a whole other level. Whereas on many porn sites, you have to click on the main page or a link several times before the link will stop showing pop-ups so you can navigate the site as usual. That doesn’t happen on 18Comix.
I literally lost count of how many times I had to click on a link before the pop-ups stopped. In some cases, the pop-ups never stopped appearing, making visiting certain parts of the site impossible. Your mileage may vary, and maybe when you read this and visit 18Comix on your own, the pop-up problems will be fixed.
But as of this review, they’re not fixed whatsoever. I don’t care how much of a necessity that the webmaster behind 18Comix thinks that the pop-ups truly are, they fucking ruin the experience of the site and make it virtually unusable in some cases. This issue needs to be fixed, as soon as possible. Because when I say that 18Comix has one of the worst pop-up problems that I’ve ever seen, you know I’m not exaggerating the issue.
If you are experiencing these types of problems, what can you do in the meantime? Well, for starters, you should activate any pop-up or ad blockers that you have installed on your favorite browser. If you don’t have any, get some.
If you want to take things to the extreme, maybe even consider browsing the side using a virtual machine running a virtual operating system (e.g., VMWare running a virtual copy of Windows) so your main device isn’t exposed to the fuck ton of pop-ups that will smack you in the face when you try and visit 18Comix. It’s something to consider until 18Comix fixes the problem.
All kinds of tags and categories
Now that we have that disclaimer out of the fucking way, what are some of the hottest and best sections that you can visit on 18Comix? Like I already hinted at, you can check out the tags and categories sections on 18Comix. There, you will find some of the hottest genres, fetishes, kinks, and more that horny fuckers like you enjoy on the regular.
What kind of categories and tags will you find on 18Comix? You will find categories and tags like hentai comics, handjob, parody, big breasts, and so much more. Like I already told you, you can find all of the tags that you can browse by, simply by selecting the ‘show all tags’ option under ‘popular tags.’
That’s the easiest way to dive into all of the tags that you can explore on 18Comix, and I highly urge you to try it out if you want to find something specific to get off to. Or, you can look around blindly and find the most popular content on the front page. Select a comic, and find how easy it is to read everything all on one page!
Read comics all on one page
You know what I fucking hate about some XXX comic and hentai manga sites that try to make it difficult to read any of the issues they have on the site? It’s the fact that, sometimes, it’s fucking impossible to read anything with ease. You have to click around from one page to the next, hoping that a pop-up does not appear or you are interrupted in some way.
I am happy as fuck to tell you that this simply does not happen on 18Comix. Once you finally have the opportunity to click an issue and begin reading it, you will find that the issues are all on one page. If you want to read another issue, you can jump out of it and begin reading the next issue on the previous page. It could not be any fucking easier.
And if you like what you see on 18Comix and want to actually take some of these comics with you wherever you go, this is goddamn simple as well! To download your favorite issues, select the MEGA icon below each listing and wait for the download. It is that fucking simple, and I am happy to say that you can easily download these issues on both desktop and mobile!
18Comix is an XXX comic and hentai manga site with a wide array of comics for you to read and jerk off to. With so many kinks, fetishes, and brands that you can browse thanks to the tags and categories that are available for you, you have the tools to find what you want to read. And once you do, downloading your favorite issues for offline use is easy as hell!
Unfortunately, the pop-ups effectively handicaps the site until you click enough times where they stop showing up. But, there’s no telling how long that takes. This needs to change in order for 18Comix to be easier and functional to navigate.

Pros of 18Comix.org:

  • + Abundance of hentai manga and XXX comics
  • + Easy to download your favorite issues
  • + Read issues with ease
  • + Various tags and categories to scour

Cons of 18Comix.org:

  • − Pop-ups make navigating the site almost impossible