PornHub Twitter –

PornHub Twitter

PornHub Twitter

PornHub Twitter


Being the most popular free porn website on the internet is nothing to laugh about. Pornhub does a lot of things right when it comes to providing good, quality, free porn from its creators and from noteworthy studios in the industry. Having an active Twitter account that people find, for a company of this size, is incredibly important in today’s age. Social media is important in more ways than just your own benefit. It’s how we learn a lot about things now. Pornhub’s Twitter account is sitting at 3.3 million followers – insane.
It’s a bit hard not to know this website whether you’re a horn-dog or not.
Design – Pornhub Classic
Even looking at Pornhub’s Twitter I feel like I’m browsing its videos on its website. The top banner features Pornhub’s classic black and golden yellow colors. There are a few bees floating around in the banner which makes me think of “the birds and the bees.” Pornhub keeps its profile picture simple and neat, featuring its logo on a black background much like the website is designed.
When it comes to its description, Pornhub does a bit of its promotional jargon here. Pornhub then links to its model program for porn videos that are being tweeted about by its creators. Lastly, the company finishes off with a link to a help page for those who may have encountered any errors while on
Content – Everything PornHub Is
Pornhub’s Twitter content makes me feel like I’m on the official website just in a smaller form. These are tweets, they’re quicker, and they get right to the point. Pornhub mixes everything about itself on its Twitter timeline at once to give you this complete experience.
The first thing I’ve noticed is Pornhub constantly retweets things from well-known pornstars. These are the girls that people are probably visiting the website to see most of the time. Pornhub does a good job of retweeting these women and their photos, maybe some video clips, and other things that they’re doing.
The next two pieces of content are pretty much going head-to-head with how much Pornhub is tweeting it. The first would be Pornhub-specific content. By this, I mean things that the blog is writing and other informational bits coming from their Sexual Wellness Center and its official blog which contests come out of.
The other bit would be their model program/creator program. Pornhub has been growing its content creator program more and more and its Twitter is showing that off quite a bit. Pornhub’s creators make their own brand of porn and can be tucked into their own little genres and kinks to find an audience. Pornhub retweets their creators wearing their merch and links to their own merchandise in general.
There are even podcasts Pornhub comes with. It may seem a little odd that a free porn site is coming with podcasts about sex with your partner and other sexual topics but that’s what you’re getting. Pornhub tweets its podcasts which go up on its Sexual Wellness blog as most of these conversations are for sexual health and emotional things dealing with having sex and being more sexually active.
Pornhub anytime (The Positives)
I’ve mentioned this a couple of times now: Pornhub’s Twitter is like browsing through its website. It feels no different as I’m still getting the same great quality porn on its Twitter, just in different ways.
Pornhub is quite possibly the king when it comes to free porn videos. Everybody knows it whether you’re cultured in the horny arts or not. Its first plus in terms of why it has 3.3 million followers is how much pornographic/NSFW content it brings to my timeline. Could it be a little more consistent? That entirely depends on personal taste. Pornhub is a major company so having a post a few hours in length may be its sweet spot.
Pornhub is retweeting content from popular pornstars on its timeline. These are girls who are wearing Pornhub merch. These are girls who are very well-known because their videos were on Pornhub and that’s how they sort of got their beginnings before other studios saw their name. Or Pornhub just amplified their popularity after getting their start with other studios – either work in both sides’ favor.
Another plus is how into sexual health Pornhub is. It has its Sexual Wellness blog and being on top of your sexual health, whether it’s being safe or being a better lover, is important. That shit matters and it’s great that Pornhub isn’t shying away from using its social media platform as a springboard for that sort of topic.
The other major plus is that Pornhub continues to push its creator platform (Models) out to people. There are so many tweets about their models/channels getting packages from Pornhub because they reached a milestone with their content. Others are posing in Pornhub gear or receiving a sex toy with the company’s logo on it. It’s this sense of porn community that keeps Pornhub’s Twitter moving strongly.
Who’s ever complained? (The Negatives)
When it comes to free porn and a great social media presence, Pornhub doesn’t really shake.
Pornhub is Free (My Suggestions)
I think one thing Pornhub could do a little more is getting a bit more active with some scheduled tweets (yeah, that’s a fucking thing). The reason I saw this is because Pornhub is a free pornography website. There are loads and loads of videos where guys are releasing loads in or on pretty girls.
Setting up a bunch of scheduled tweets throughout the day that are links to Pornhub videos, the latest free premium one, with clips of the porn video in the tweet, would be fantastic. You can upload a minute or two-minute-long video with the link to the rest and be done. It keeps this constant flow of Pornhub porn on my timeline throughout the day.
In Conclusion
Pornhub is such an iconic brand despite being pornography. People know the name all around which places some focus on the platform. One thing the company does good is social media. It constantly keeps people connected with what it’s doing, what well-known pornstars are doing, the pornstar’s content, and the content of its model program. The Pornhub model program is its own content creator program where anybody can come in, make porn videos, and earn some money.
The fact that Pornhub takes the time to recognize its creators is a massive plus and amazing to see on social media.

Pros of PornHub Twitter:

  • + It’s Pornhub Twitter
  • + The constant flow of porn
  • + Model Program gets highlighted

Cons of PornHub Twitter:

  • − Nothing