3Hentai – 3hentai.net




URL: https://3hentai.net

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times: I know my readers. With that in mind, here is the equation that introduces today’s website. Living in your Mom’s basement + Video games + Overweight + Small penis – Will to live = Incessant hentai watching. You guys fucking love hentai. I bet many of you haven’t witnessed a scene of live porn in ages. You’re on an all animation diet.
There are many reasons my readers love hentai so much. First off, animated fantasy is more engaging. My readers are self-aware enough to know that women in porn would never fuck them. The idea is so far out of the realm of possibility that it takes you guys out of the fantasy. Animated characters, on the otherhand, would be way more likely to fuck you. They are slaves to the illustrator. They will hop on your cock with a smile on their face. They will even express surprise at how good you fuck, and that’s a serious work of fiction right there.
Super Size Them Titties
Everything is exaggerated in porn, especially the body parts. You guys have been living with your micropenises your whole lives. The experience has scarred you for life, and now you want to see cunts get destroyed by gargantuan dicks of galactic scale. I’m talking about dicks with their own gravitational field. Dicks that can cause ocean tides. Dicks that can blot out the sun, causing an eclipse.
Dicks aren’t the only thing getting blown up in hentai. The tits in hentai are fucking planetesimals. Civilizations have risen and fallen on those mammary glands. If you slapped a pair of those bad boys on a real woman, her spine would crumble like sandstone. She wouldn’t even be able to use a wheelchair. She would require a stretcher to get anywhere she wanted to go. Men who tried to suck on the nipple would be drowned in titty meat.
There are two types of asses in hentai. 1. Asses so tiny they barely exist, providing a backdrop to exemplify the inhumanly large tits. 2. Asses just as large as the tits to help balance a bitch out. Either one would completely destroy the anatomy of a real flesh and blood female. The skeletal structure would beg for death from under its fleshy prison.
Not even pussies avoid the fate of being oversized. First off, half the time, hentai pussies end up turning into hentai dicks by the end of a comic. Hentai bitches have shape-shifting genitals. Regardless of if they are in cunt or cock mode, the size is always insane. Hentai is the only place you can see this kind of extremity.
Speaking of extremity, the sex acts depicted on hentai are as extreme as they can get. Bitches get used and fake abused in ways that can never be imitated in real life without getting arrested. Bitches get fucked so hard they turn inside out like a sock being taken off.
Thus far, I’ve been talking about depictions of human women, but let’s be honest. Most of the time, these bitches are only vaguely human. Hentai fans would rather watch demons, orcs, fairies, elves, monsters, and Pokemon fuck. I’m not even sure that a real woman could give you fucks a boner anymore unless she wore a mascot uniform.
One of the biggest attractors to hentai for men like my readers is innocence. Bitches in hentai are always portrayed as sexually innocent, having never had a dick in them or even thought about it. Those are the perfect type of women for a man who has the sexual skills of an Ugg boot to fuck. She won’t know you fuck like shit if she has never fucked before. Of course, the second she has sex with another person beside you, she will show up at your door to kick you in the nuts for being the worst fuck possible.
The numbers all line-up. If you are reading this and have never watched hentai, I promise you will be hooked if you just watch it once. As far as places to watch, 3hentai is a favorite of mine. They have collected a library of some of the most debaucherous and perverted hentai ever put to paper. Vets of the game who require high levels of stimulation will find all the content they need.
All the content here is in comic form. As with many comic sites, the web design is kept simple. Save all the complicated bull shit for VR sites. Comic readers are simple people who do not require pomp and filigree. The main menu sits up top and has the options Home, Search bar, Log in, Register, Language selector, Random, Series, Tags, Characters, Artists, Groups, About, Live cam, and Games hentai.
3hentai offers its site in four different languages: English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese. Selecting a language will translate the website but not the content therein. Most comics are written in either English or Japanese. But who needs to read dialog when the animations are so compelling? I can fill in the plotline of the illustrator can provide me with sex and gore.
Thumbnails on the main page are split into two categories, Popular hentai at the moment and the newest hentai. As you will see, the assorted content on 3hentai covers a lot of ground, from famous fictional characters to deadly BDSM. So no matter where you fit on the spectrum of animated porn, you will find something to enjoy.
By far, the most popular character on 3hentai is Teitoku. She is featured in eleven thousand different comics. In comparison, the next most popular character has less than half that amount. Fucking insane. This bitch is crushing it, and she has no idea. You know, being an inanimate object and all.
Some other characters of note are Producer with five thousand features, Patchouli Knowledge with two thousand features, and Asuka Langley Soryu, also with two thousand features.
Sailor Poon
No hentai website is complete without some Sailor Moon content, and 3hentai is plenty complete. They feature all the sailors, including Moon, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars. It seems for many men watching Sailor Moon caused a sexual awakening that had lasting effects. I guarantee you never saw these bitches do shit in the show as they do here. The creators would have been arrested.
All tranny fans out there will be in love with 3hentai. There are chicks with dicks springing up everywhere like dandelions. You never know when a dick might pop out of Sailor Moon’s skirt. It’s always tough on the self-confidence to watch a bitch with a larger cock than you decimate a tight pussy. Trust me that there is not a single reader of mine with a larger penis than any of the trannies of 3hentai. These bitches have dicks like Rhino horns. They could spear several pussies simultaneously like a cock kebob. You will never look down at your manhood the same after seeing this.
Looking at the most popular tags gives you a great idea of what kind of content gets posted on 3hentai. Sitting comfortably in the number one position is “big breasts.” It’s classic, leaves a lot of room for variation, and is universally loved, so it’s no surprise big titties won out.
In a close second is “solo female.” Hentai fans love to watch a bitch flick the bean. It gives watchers all the room they need to see every inch of a cunt without dicks getting in the way. Sometimes you just want to admire the female form.
In a more distant third is “solo male.” The gay contingent is as big of fans of hentai as anyone else, and they too want the room to see every inch of a bitch without more cocks getting in the way. Gay dudes on 3hentai stick to a one cock at a time diet.
There are a million and one reasons to love watching hentai. When a man needs content that goes above, and beyond the realm of possibility, hentai is there for us. When double Z tits aren’t enough, you can rely on hentai to deliver you triple ‘now I know my ABCs’ tits. Next time won’t you stroke with me?
The tag list on 3hentai is massive. No matter what variant of disgusting sexual acts turns you on the most, you will find examples of it here. You will never be able to unsee the shit you watch here. You might walk away with the thousand-yard stare of a D-day vet.
3hentai keeps its website simple, so there isn’t much to criticize. However, I noticed that despite carrying the most popular lists for characters and tags, there is no most popular comics list. I’d be curious to see what people read the most.
My readers fucking love hentai and 3hentai is a perfect place to get your fill of the good stuff.

Pros of 3Hentai:

  • + Perverted content
  • + Simple website
  • + Lack of ads

Cons of 3Hentai:

  • − No best of comics list